Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Role-Playing Games

Miniatures Games

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Top Upcoming Games on kickstarter: If you’re a fan of a kickstarter game and it’s been added to our site, you can help it move up in the popularity list by visiting its game page, giving it hearts and clicking the “Want it” button!
@AD, wow, that was exactly what I was looking for to help me decide. Like I said, I still need the wife’s OK, but now I know what I’ll be getting into. All your work here is so appreciated!
The widgets have been fixed! Joy!
They were looking pretty gnarly earlier this week.
I actually backed Rum & Bones, but then thought better of it. While it looks intriguing, I don’t know how much play I can get with my core group of gamers. That and the rock star pirates are not my cup of tea. I still have three weeks to change my mind I guess if there are enough exclusives added. I have a feeling though that the trend is moving away from more freebies at the stage the campaign is funded at and more toward paid add-ons.
waiting for paydirtto arrive
@Account Well said my friend. Very well said 🙂
Speaking of Reaper Miniatures, I got my first Friday email from them as they struggle with shipments from China to get out their Reaper Bones II shipments hawking some dungeon tiles from Frontline Games that look pretty cool. Link is below if anyone wants to see.
@Account Deletion
That is really comprehensive. There are a few games that Mayday has done, notably Bling Bling Gemstone in my collection, that are limited runs and only available stateside through a Kickstarter campaign, at least to date.
I am also really happy with my Reaper Bones purchase. I got the minis cheaper than retail. That said, I likely would have never bought many of them outside of the campaign, so claiming I saved a bunch of money is subjective.
I have backed a handful of other projects, and I cannot say I am unhappy with them, but the excitement the Kickstarter builds wanes not long after the campaign ends and the waiting begins. I have a bit of buyers remorse for Zombicide Season 3, for example. I suspect that will be alleviated somewhat when I get it though 🙂
See, now there’s a much more comprehensive kickstarter guide. 🙂 I’ve only backed a handful of games and every experience thus far has been a positive one. Here’s hoping I can maintain that streak for a little while longer.
@cody.raak – there’s a bunch of different reasons people back kickstarter projects rather than waiting for retail, but only a few have I found to be valid. Here’s my opinions, and hopefully these will help you decide based on what you’d be looking for in backing:
– The game may never reach retail/it may not get made if I don’t back: this is (to me) by far the most noble reason to back a kickstarter campaign… but it also gives the greatest chance of disappointment. The biggest risk in kickstarter – and honestly one you need not worry about – is that you never receive the reward for the project. But in the rare case where this occurs, it’s almost always projects that would fall into this category. Another possible annoyance here is that you back a project because you believe it won’t hit retail – so this is your only chance to get it – then the game hits retail, and at MUCH cheaper than you backed for. I backed Ryan Smith’s City to “help out the little guy” and paid $45 for the game. It barely funded, literally making it with minutes to spare. It’s now available at Cardhaus for $26 – the exact same game I paid $45 for. I don’t mind because I really like the game, and if backers didn’t pay $45 it may not exist today – but my copy is no different than anybody else’s, and I didn’t get it any earlier.
– I will get the game earlier than everybody else: do not back for this reason. You usually won’t. And when you do, it’s by days, not weeks or months.
– I will get the game cheaper: project runners usually tell you you’re getting the game for cheaper – you very rarely are. Once a project picks up some steam, major online retailers like CSI and MM contact the creators and get major discounts for a big bulk purchase. Once rewards are fulfilled, these websites are selling the same edition of the game for $5 less than you pledged for it. However (and this is an important however) – the kickstarter editions of games are usually better than the retail versions, and once that online retailer sells out of their kickstarter editions they’re selling the lesser retail version like everybody else. Which brings us to the biggest reason to back.
– I want the best version of this game: there’s always big debate around “exclusives” in kickstarters (I hate them – yet jump on board every CMON kickstarter immediately) – but the hot-button exclusives are the gameplay exclusives, like exclusive characters, weapons, etc. The exclusives everyone seems to be OK with (myself included) are the “upgrades” to game components. At least half of the kickstarters I’ve backed include these, and they frequently make a huge difference. Some kickstarters will contain complete upgraded replacements for the retail edition’s cardboard parts. It won’t make you like or dislike the game, but if you like the game on its own merits it will certainly make it better.
– I want to participate in the creation of the game: this is ideally how kickstarter would work – but it only works out this way occasionally. Most project creators have their game completely play-tested and artwork finalized when they launch, leaving little to influence. And you’ll sometimes find that projects whose creators are open to feedback have their comments section devolve into arguments and name-calling – and it’s not the most fun process to participate in. But one out of every 20 or so projects will give you an opportunity to meaningfully provide input on the game, and this can be a great feeling.
Hope this helps. I just passed my 1-year anniversary with kickstarter – I’ve backed over 100 projects, and it’s been great. But there have definitely been ups and downs.
@ bobb33z3r
At everything above 200NOK (about 30$). Although if marked as a gift (and from a private person) it should pass customs without issue. Our current government had a goal of upping this to 500NOK this year but ended up on 350. However, freight is now included so in theory they didn’t do anything 😀
@bob, thanks! I may have to check with the wife about a game stipend, and try it out when the right game comes along. Sounds like a lot of the players here fund KS projects, and it seems like a great way to further the hobby.
lame. Does the import tax apply to non-commercial goods? Like private mail?
MIND really looks like an awesome game, but for me it is the same issue as always when it comes to KS. The tax for import is severe in Norway although many overseas know this and set the value a lot lower. Currently anything above ~30$ will be taxed which will increase to the double when we finally get it so often it is not worth it.
No pointers that I can think of other than… once you’ve backed a project, do your part to promote the heck out of it. The more funding the game gets, the more stretch goals will get unlocked. Stretch goals are usually things like cool game additions, upgraded components, higher quality materials, etc so it’s in the backer’s best interest to get that sucker up as high as it can go… and at no extra cost to you. 🙂
DragonFlame and Biblios both look like great additions to my collection-under-construction. I’ve never backed a Kickstarter project, any pointers or caveats?
1. This segment is fantastic! It’s a win-win-win BGPCs get a one stop shop for upcoming games, games get more eyeballs on their fund projects, and BGdot gets some exposure (I put a link back to BGdot in my kickstarter profile and make sure I use this page to check the games).
2. I know for me, my game dollars are limited, if I could if fund every game up there but sadly I have to pick and sometimes cool games don’t get the bucks. 🙁
If Rum and Bones didn’t have the goofy kickstarter crew of rockers, I would back it. As it is now, I am gonna give it a miss! 🙂
I always appreciate this segment. I don’t have the time to comb though Kickstarter for all the good tabletop games, and this is a great best of to stay in the know.
I’m sad to see MIND-The Fall of Paradise has yet to fund. It’s growing more unlikely. I wonder, why a great looking game like this has yet to fund its goal? Were people more hesitant to trust a first time designer? What was it that hasn’t had people jumping at it?
On another note, I cant help but throw money at Coven. Any Game with that meany pentagrams is my kind of game.
Captain’s Wager, which is legitimately funded and sitting at $22k! However, the stretch goals through to $45k are pretty awesome, so I’m really hoping it hits that goal in the next 10 days!
(ps, broken widgets are terrible!)
I am looking hard at Rum & Bones. It looks like the Warcraft III concept of one or more powerful characters augmenting the smaller hoards of easy to obtain creatures. I already gave CMON too much money this year for Zombicide III though.
Decisions decisions. I will have to look for some more gameplay examples.
Kickstarter is experimenting with their widgets right now, and there’s one important quirk I want to point out: all projects are labelled “Successfully Funded”, even if they’re still active and beneath their funding goal. Once concluded this will change to “Funding Unsuccessful” or “Project Cancelled” if those are applicable, but while live they’re all labelled “Successful”. Sorry for any confusion. Hopefully Kickstarter gets this sorted out soon.
So, if you have a project you’re backing and passionate about, tell us why! And if you’re passionate about a project I’ve left out, let me know and I’ll get it added!