Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Board & Card Games

Role-Playing Games

Miniatures Games

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Regarding Epic Resort, I saw the Dice Tower’s Ryan Metzler do a preview of it, and was sold based on that. Yeah, it’s a paid preview, but I generally trust his reviews. However, he basically runs through a quick game in front of you, so even if he says he likes it, I can generally tell if I will actually like it or not. I was sold on the gameplay, not him saying “yeah, it looks cool”.
Definitely excited for a bunch of the March Kickstarters:
The Ancient World: The artwork is awesome and I really liked the worker placement aspect juxtaposed with the tribal banner set collection. Plus, I thought the increasing-cost of using your military to take down Titans added an interesting mechanic. Really enjoyed City of Iron, so Red Raven Games is gradually drifting towards ‘auto-back’ for me.
Tokaido: Picking this one up specifically for my Mom and those who might come to our boardgame nights not really interested in “deep strategy”; I want to offer them a leisurely stroll down the Tokaido while we try to surreptitiously take down a Great Old One. I agree with @Paladin though, but with all the stretch goals, bigger board, expansions, and painted “supercute-minis”, FunForge has really given no incentive to pledge below SAMURAI level, so I bumped my Early Bird pledge last week.
Tuscany Expansion: (with Viticulture) Really this was initially a theme-impulse buy predicated on us not having a large array (actually no) worker placement games, but watching some of the game play cemented this as best I can tell a balanced game that we’d enjoy. We’re somewhat wine aficionados, and have some friends who are as well, but aren’t necessarily excited about boardgames. So this game is hopefully a gateway of sorts (plus we’ll serve wine while we play, so that should help too).
Town Center: This game struck me as a simple game, that vaguely reminded me of an abstraction of SimCity. The additional Manhattan board really sealed the deal for me. If you know of any opportunities to develop real estate in NYC for <$50, I'm all ears.
On my "Highly Considering" list:
Epic Resort: Still evaluating and I want to watch a couple of more previews, but Rahdo’s Run Through, made the game seem fun (I’m assuming it was a paid review, but I liked the theme and gameplay tempo).
On my “Radar”:
Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King Nod to @HaiKulture
MERCS: Recon
@Urosh, just a sidenote, BoardGameArena has Tokaido playable online, if you’re interested in giving it a spin.
@HaiKulture I remember searching for Capes and Cowls as this holy grail superhero game. It was that, Marvel Heroes, or Heroscape: Marvel Edition… and pretty much nothing else. Now, Kickstarter has superhero herpes… breaking out with a new case every month. Just when you thought it was done… another breakout! Honestly, I love me some superheroes, but I really can’t take it much longer. I’ve laced my wallet with lead, and dropped a few tabs of mutant penicillin.
On another note… Epic Resort does look kind of cool. There’s a clown-car full of p/reviews on their KS page, and they all seem almost genuinely impressed by the game. Of course, these are PAID previews… so it could be a load of bizzwhacky…. but some of these are reviewers I trust… So… Epic Resort may be legit.
The Catacombs artwork is cool… but I’m not sure it fits the game for me. However, if this is what all future expansions are going to be based on… I may have to pony up. I love that game!
Dagnabbit! Too many games!!!
Well I did convince Capes and Villains to come on over to the BGdot to use them as a KickSupport resource. I figured I’d do a little song and dance and some cheerleading for them, but I don’t want to subject everyone to my nonsense. 😉 I did something experimental and wrote a Campaign Review of sorts as a ‘Game Tip’ over on their entry page. If you care to peruse my mad ramblings, witness the full dog and pony show, and catch a little inside information I’ve learned through campaign chatter feel free to check out Preconceived Notions on the C&V. In the beginning there was nothing, and then there was The Trilogy and now capes are falling out of the sky like superhuman dandruff. The hour to hour battle of Heroes Wanted and Metro City just ended a week or so ago during the Battle of the Bloodsports (what is with the weird trending???) but Capes & Villains has a little something different up its gauntlet. Think Capes of Tokyo 😉
@Account Deletion :):):) Sorry – I had a little inside information as I got to peek at the page pre-launch. 😉 Besides I thought I was first backer for half a day at my home campaign Fairytale Games: The Battle Royale when they ran their minis campaign. Turns out you can’t trust the random KS backer list – so I ran out to AC Moore to get a First Backer Tiara for nothing. 🙁 Now it is official – [Tiara Unlocked] *GLEE* (Hmmmm…I’ll say ‘Hi’ to you but you don’t have to respond if you wish to remain BGdot Mysterious)
@ Account Deletion
In the end it still comes down to the game and I would have backed it if I didn’t already have the previous edition 🙂
If you are a fan of both Crokinole etc AND Dungeon Crawlers this is the game for you. Every game I’ve played so far has come down to the finalc few flicks.
@Garbled LOL I’m not saying it is shady or anything – it’s the nature of the plastic beast. Those add-ons keep driving a campaign and when you have a thousand some backers – that’s some driving. 🙂 I was just in ‘I had a dream…’ mode waiting for the SDE launch and thinking someday, maybe someday, there will be a mini campaign with a one and done pledge that hands out a half dozen free minis by the end and just says ‘Thanks for the half mil everybody!’. I was hoping SDE would be that. Oh well.
But avoiding ‘EXCLUSIVE’ tagging is always a class touch.
I’m still backing – I’ll just keep counting my pennies and keep dreaming 😛
(I do think they should adjust that ‘Always Super’ graphic though to include the bonus content unlocked. Psychologically it makes it seem they are more interested in making sure you know what to buy, rather than what they are giving you.)
While SDE is adding a bunch of “nickel and dime” add-ons, it’s also worth noting that they have promised every unlocked add-on, or freebie, will be available at the online store for purchase once everything ships. Usually they sell heroes for about $13, so getting one at $10 is a discount, and that’s the end of it. If you want to wait, wait, and buy it later. The fact that they made everything un-exclusive, even in earlier campaigns, makes me trust them.
Some things I’m watching on this week’s KickSheet:
Epic Resort I am definitely watching you and am intrigued by the deck building/worker placement engine in this game and while it stays on the Star List for now, I will most likely be backing in when the time comes. What intrigues me about this campaign is the ‘keeping it real’ stretch goals. I applaud the no-nonsense carrot-dangling free mission statement – but I wonder if it is wise? What incentive is there now to keep funding the game since it has funded? Epic Resort is leaving itself open to the ‘Pledge on Kickstarter and wait a year to get a game with free shipping or just wait a year to get it at a 30% discount on CSI’ conundrum. I’m waiting to see how well it funds because if The Resort doesn’t get much overage, it will become a question of producing KS units, not producing a cushion to take the game retail. Then I definitely will BACK – because the only time and place to get it might be right here and right now.
On the other hand, Super Dungeon Explore , I’m watching you with a little tear in my eye. I heard the cry and jumped on first night and was pleased as punch to see one single pledge level. Unheard of! ‘Here’s our game. Here’s some Stretchies. Thanks for the support!’ It must have been a dream, because the next morning when I awoke – Boy was I wrong! I understand add-ons drive a campaign forward – but I do get tired of some of the ‘nickel and diming’ mini based games pull. Cool Mini Million has been the worst offender. MYTH pulled it off fine; every 4-5 stretch freebies unleashed the ‘…and maybe I can also interest you in this lovely deck of cards’ eyebrow wiggle. SDE might want to start adding the ‘free’ stretchies to their Always Super graphic because that Blacksmith Shop looks plenty big and it doesn’t feel like a simple $100 no nonsense pledge anymore.
Catacombs I’m watching you because I already own you and all your expansions. 🙂 Anyone who missed out on the First Edition should really give this a look over. It is a fun and sometimes downright nail-bitingly intense Dex-based Dungeon Crawl. I contacted the campaign and they told me the expansions would not be included in the overhaul, but some new tricks are up sleeves. I like the Bubblegum Dungeon look of the new set, but the little expansion rats of 1Ed are going to look downright nasty now. I’m waiting to see what these tricks are and if a repurchase is truly in order.
RECON I’m watching you because when I finally get my MYTH MITTS on – I’m sure I’ll be telling The Boy to grab up those MYTH add-ons. *sigh*
Cleaned house the other day, and I realized I have about 15 games that I’ve never played. No big deal, that’s happened before. It’s how it is with books I plan on reading. There is always a stack waiting for me.
My issue with the 15 board games is that 11 of them are KS games I have no interest in playing. Whether it’s because I was unhappy with the game when I got it, or not quite sure why I ever funded it in the first place, this is a problem for me.
Bottom line is that I’m close to jaded about KS games. I no longer believe that it should be my primary source of new gaming material. I see things I like about several games above, but I can’t justify a new board game (delivered months from now, btw) simply because of bonus unlocked rewards.
My best example is the Tokaido Collector’s Edition. I have never played Tokaido. I saw it played and thought it looked fantastic, artwise, but the pieces seemed tiny and the players seemed to have a lot of downtime. My point is, I backed out of my pledge for the game because I was pledging for the wrong reasons. Popular game, bonus extras, and good art. That matches at least half of those 11 games on my shelf that I never plan on playing.
I’m not bashing Kickstarter or Tokaido. I only used Tokaido as an example because it’s already got over 1000% of its funding request. Also, I still plan on visiting and using Kickstarter. Maybe I’m just talking out loud, but maybe I’m expressing an opinion to take a second glance at the risk side of funding KS.
I AM writing down a few specific games for future reference though…like Game Developerz and Apex. 😉
I was fully intending to back nothing new for a month or so to recover from the Arcardia/Dreadball pick-pocketing… then Soda Pop goes and runs the campaign I’ve been begging for with SDE: Forgotten King. I have never been interested in Super Dungeon Explore (and I’d be even less so now that I’ve got everything there is for Arcadia Quest paid for), but Soda Pop is running a no-exclusives campaign geared toward building the best (all-inclusive) future for their game possible.
How can I not back that? I’d feel awful. I wouldn’t trust my own words.
They’ve even announced that an “exclusive” SDE figure from their Relic Knights campaign will no longer be exclusive – it will be sold through their web store. Brave. And awesome. So I’m all in on my 3rd miniatures-heavy project in the last 40 days, and Krosmaster: Quest is just around the corner. No vacation for us this Summer.
Also… because @Hai has been so insistent… I’m in for a bunch on Capes and Villains. I definitely feel saturated with superhero games, but this one looks different. I backed this thing as soon as it launched – but lo and behold, @Hai got the coveted 1st backer spot. Touche, madam.
@inmarg – I prefer the new Catacombs art, but the comments section shows that you are not alone in your dislike.
FunForge FORCED me to upgrade my Early Bird YAKUZA pledge to a standard SAMURAI pledge with that danged Matsuri expansion! FORCED ME, I say!
Not a huge fan of the new Catacombs art.
Ah… A fresh Kickstarter Hot Sheet! YAY! I think this is my favorite part of the BGdot week!
Apex : I love deckbuilders. I love the boss battle idea and growing your genetics. So many cards! I love this game! Except…
Dinosaurs leave me Ice Age. 🙁 The theme certainly isn’t hurting it outside of my own XX that never cared for T-Rex. It is definitely worth attention (and I have stared at it quite a bit shaking my fist in Jurassic rAge). It is probably on The Boy’s list, so it will wind up in our gaming den right next to Baseball Highligts: 2045 which I know he is backing. DINOSAAAAAUUUURRRRSSSSSS! <—Wrath of Khan Style
Both Game Developerz and Area 1851 got a pledge button click. I’ve hearted Game Developerz since before it launched and I found it here. The bubble gum art style is just too fun and breezy. It’s like a cartoon gallery meets a card game. Area 1851 gets a backing on art also and apparent fun factor. ‘COWPUNK!!!!’ as a theme is just too fun to say anyway.
So many games, so little money….
Forgotten King. All over that one.
I’m in for:
Area 1851
Epic Resort
Kung-Fu Fighting (this one needs some love, it’s actually a good game!)
The Ancient World (Ryan Laukat is now an automatic buy for me)
Also, Barbarossa launched this week. I’ve been waiting for the translation of that game to hit the US for awhile. From what I’ve seen, it has a similar mechanic to Core Worlds, but plays more like a deck builder. Ie, fast combos to spin cards through your deck, deploy them and attack, as opposed to Core Worlds, which is a little more methodical.
The only game I am currently supporting is Game Developerz. The campaign hit a lull, but there is so much to be passionate for, whether you like video or card games. The Retro expansion needs to get unlocked with the generous support of backers like you.
There is also something I found that is neat, but it is a KS for a book. The Bacterionomicon is a book that catalogs the bacteria and antibiotics of modern medicine from the Fantasy card game Healing Blade. I got one of the last copies of Healing Blade itself. They also offer another card game as a reward called Occam’s Razor Medical Diagnosis Card Game, for the aspiring MD in your life.
I just added Super Dungeon Explorers: Forgotten King to my list and Capes and Villains looks interesting. My list is getting a little smaller this week.
Town Center
The Ancient World
Robots on the Line
Pay Dirt
Super Dungeon Explorer
Not too big… Right?
Of course… Mercs and Fireteam are calling to me. I still regret not supporting Cthulhu Wars.
I think Pay Dirt, Tory Niemann’s new game, could have some love here! 🙂
Let’s support it everyone!
Kickstarter Games added to this week’s list:
Capes and Villains
Till Dawn
Troll Hunt
Creative Clash
Super Dungeon Explore: Forgotten King
Kickstarter Games Supporting
Robots on the Line
Gone Viking
Apex Theropog Deck-Building Game
Manifest: The Board Game
Capes and Villains
Game Developerz