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I got my hands on this game about two weeks ago. It has changed board gaming for me. This was my first Co-Op game and it is tremendously challenging and fun! A new personal favorite!
The game is the players (people playing the game) versus the board game itself. It is really fun to play 4,3, and even 2 player. Let me tell you too, two player is just as fun as 3 and 4.
There is a lot of strategy involved and planning within the game. I don’t recommend this game for young children because of this. I play it with college friends and we can’t get enough of it right now. What is also a great thing to note on this game is that you can change the difficulty of the game. We play on moderate (5 Epidemic cards) and enjoy it and will soon be daring enough to do hard (6 Epidemic cards).
The game is super fun and is enjoyable whether you win or lose (and you will lose, I guarantee that). Not super easy to learn quick, you really need to play a game to really get the hang of it.
Go out and buy it! It’s at local game shops and even saw it in Target the other day.
Last bit, we just got in the “On the Brink” expansion. You have got to get this after you play the original Pademic, IT IS AMAZING! It takes Pandemic to the next level.