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Go to the Pathfinder: Core Rulebook page
Go to the Dungeons & Dragons: Lords of Waterdeep page
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Go to the Pathfinder: Core Rulebook page
58 out of 102 gamers thought this was helpful

This is the go to fantasy rpg for my local gaming group. Lots of race and class options to customize your character and improve role playing. If you like fantasy rpg’s but were completely turned off by 4th edition/miniatures combat game (like a lot of people!) and have played out 3.5, Pathfinder is a great option. High quality artwork, very intuitive PHB and lots of supplements to compliment the core game. Almost perfect mechanics for both combat and role playing opportunities.

Go to the Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game page
34 out of 76 gamers thought this was helpful

If you and your friends are fans of the reimagined series this is a no brainer, must own game. Completely immersive experience, the Cylon/traitor mechanic is what makes this game truly great. Each play through feels completely different, high replay value especially if your group likes choosing different character to play each session. Game play can be slow and time consuming if you’re playing with expansions and/or the maximum amount of players. Watching the TV series is not mandatory but highly recommended. If you are not a fan of BSG or science fiction in general, look elsewhere but personally this is one of my favorite board games of all time.

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