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Dominion: Prosperity
Dominion is a fantastic medieval-themed deckbuilding game in which players compete for territory (victory points). By playing cards from their hands, players earn gold and take actions, and then purchase additional cards from a predetermined, randomly-selected market to add to their decks for future use.
This is an extremely fun, well-designed game that usually plays pretty quickly and is infinitely replayable. All of the different cards allow for an amazing amount of variety from game to game. For example, first you might have a really cut-throat game with lots of attack cards available for purchase, but next you might have a game where the cards are all about getting gold and territory really, really quickly.
Dominion sets up really fast. It includes a set of “randomizer” decks (which just includes 1 copy of every kind of card available in the expansion, of which there are around 30) to set up the 10-card market. Just shuffle and deal 10 cards out to determine what your market will be comprised of. Then deal each player their starting decks, have everyone draw their hand of five cards, and it’s time to get started!
There’s a lot of fast decision making involved in Dominion, but once you get a handle on the cards available in the market, the rules are really pretty straight forward. You start with the rule of “Play one action card, then spend gold from your hand to buy 1 card,” but that rule gets modified by the cards you play. Once you start building your deck up and drawing hands of better, more powerful cards, you’ll be able to spend more gold, perform more actions, and buy more cards on each of your turns.
I estimate an average game of Dominion lasts somewhere around 30 minutes. There’s some flexibility there, as you can choose how many territory cards you want to play with in order to make the game run shorter or longer.
Prosperity is one of many expansions for the original Dominion. It specializes in cards which allow you to accumulate wealth really quickly. It also includes new Platinum cards(worth more than the previous highest denomination: gold) and new Colony cards (worth more points than the previous highest-scoring territory: Provinces). Also new to this game are cards which allow you to accumulate victory points in the form of physical tokens, rather than cards (which usually just take up valuable space in your deck). The tokens are really high quality too! They’re really satisfying to hold and pick up.
You need to have a copy of the original Dominion or the set of base cards in order to play Prosperity. Personally, I do not own the original Dominion, only this and Hinterlands. I bought the set of base cards and I recommend doing this- the set has cool alternate art for all of the currency and territory cards, even the Platinum and Colonies! I like the combination of these two expansions a lot, but there’s sure a lot of expansions to try and mix and match.
My whole gaming group really loves this game, and it’s one of my all-time favorites. It’s up there somewhere with Ticket to Ride and Machi Koro in terms of universal love within my usual group. My close friend loves it, her mother and grandmother love it, and the younger sisters and husband all love it. There’s quite a bit of reading involved and I don’t know how young of a child could really have fun with this game, especially against adults, but I’d guess about 11 or 12. Pretty much every adult I’ve shown this game to hasn’t had an issue learning how to play competently after a couple rounds.
In summary, this is just one of the best card games I’ve ever played. If you like fast, competitive, strategic, highly variable games (with a strong element of luck), it’s hard to do better than a round of Dominion.