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Craig P Brown

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Go to the Pandemic page
Go to the Blood Bowl: Team Manager – Sudden Death page
26 out of 29 gamers thought this was helpful

A cracking FFG card game (not an LCG) and another brilliant example of how FFG use the Games Workshop IP better than GW!!!!!!!

If you don’t know what BB is, it’s basically Rugby/American Football in the Warhammer Fantasy World. Sudden Death includes 3 new teams (dark Elf, Undead & Vampires), a host of new star players, team & staff upgrades and new tournaments.

So in a game of BBTM, you start with a basic team at the beginning of the season, you then play in highlights (games) where you can pick 1 of 5 to play in so you might end up playing in 2 or 3 highlights. On each side of the highlight is a reward for winning and in the middle is the reward for the winner so even if you don’t win, you will still get something. To win the game overall, you need to have the most fans so you need to look to get as many of these are you can.

Another huge reason to pick the highlights you want to take part in is star players. If you win them, you add them to your deck and the game takes a deck building slant which really increases your options.

The game overall embodies the total chaos and fun of the BB universe. It’s great fun and you get stuck in and the game builds towards the end of the season and The Blood Bowl cup itself. It’s manic, bloodthirsty and totally nuts especially when you thing you have a highlight won only to have a player sent off and your opponent steals in for the win.

So my normal 2 points that I like to make…. SI & AP

Social Inclusion… While BBTM is loads of fun and not a difficult game to learn and play, would my wife play it??? No, I don’t think she would. However, if you a non gamer who was up for a new gaming experiences, this would be a good starting play.

Analysis Paralysis… This is not a major factor in the game. It only might creep in the end game but it’s not enough of an issue to switch me off.

It’s great and very much fun…. Well done FFG! 🙂

Go to the The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game page
142 out of 167 gamers thought this was helpful

A Co-op Living Card Game by FFG….. FFG doing what they do best.

So I picked the core set for about £25.00 when it first came out. THe core set states its for 2 players as you only get 2 threat counters but with a bit of paper or some dice, you can make it play for 4, yes the player decks will thin/weak but I feel it’s best played with 4.

The theme of the decks are amazing. There are 4 spheres to pick from, they are Tactics, Lore, Spirit and Leadership or basically Fighting, Card Drawing, Healing/Questing and All Round Bonuses. You can mix the decks up allowing you to make a super deck.

You play against an encounter deck that spews forth all the evil that dark lord has at his command which can all add to your threat! This is great mechanic that decides what leave of creature will attack you.

So, the 2 points that I like to cover. Social inclusion and AP.

Would my wife play this game?? NOPE! It’s not her thing and I doubt she would enjoy it. Yes, you can have bouts of AP depending on who you are playing with but it’s not enough to ruin the game.

One issue I do have with the game, as it is co-op, a power gamer could just tell everyone else what to do and plan out their turns. I’ve had this where the tactics player using the “lets give Gimli loads of damage and make him do more damage trick” and he just started ordering players about.

If you like Co-op and LOTR…. Pick it up… and some of the adventure packs to flesh the decks out. (I’m not on the pay of FFG btw, it just will make for a better game).

Go to the Pandemic page


98 out of 120 gamers thought this was helpful

Hello and welcome to my first review! 🙂

I picked up Pandemic (1st edition) after reading a few reviews on BGG but the big seller was seeing it on Tabletop. When Wil Weaton talked about the fun ways to LOSE the game, totally sold!

Picked it up for £24.99 in Waterstones and it is a total bargain. With all the parts and bits, it’s great value.

The game is so so easy to pick up and play. The rule book is only about 6 pages long and it is such a simple concept. You have to cure 4 viruses and every turn they are growing and spreading and when the outbreak hits.. you START TO PANIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The game scales brilliantly. Play just as well with 4 as it does with 2. and the games don’t drag on. My wife and I played 2 games the other week. one lasted 45 minutes, the next one lasted 7 minutes….. 7 MINUTES!!!!!!!

And this brings me nicely to my final point. I like to look at the social inclusion of a game. What do I mean by this?? Simply, will my wife play it?? My wife is not a gamer or a geek (she does love GoT and The Walking Dead thought)but she LOVES Pandemic!! She thinks it great fun and it lets us game together.

If you are looking for a fun game that doesn’t last long, keeps you on the edge of your seat and that your non-gaming friends can play and will want to play again…. Pandemic the game of choice! 🙂

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