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Mage Knight Board Game: The Lost Legion
The base game of Mage Knight board game, is already an amazing game. It offers the player vast number of in game choices, puzzle solving, strategic planning, and an immersive fantasy theme which compounds to a unique and great board game experience.
The Lost Legion, is the first expansion set to Mage Knight. This expansion set introduces a lot of new features into the base game, without over complicating the existing mechanic of the game, while at the same time, introduces enough new features to add more variety to the base game.
Here are the new features:
1) The introduction of general Volkare, an intimidating antagonist. Two additional scenarios are also introduced revolving around Volkare, he is a very tough boss, but if you mange to defeat him and beat the game, it is a very satisfying experience. These 2 scenarios are fantastic, and absolutely epic! In one the scenarios general Volkare will race against the players to conquer the city, and he also can also attack players while he is moving. All in all, General Volkare as a boss, is a brilliant addition to the game.
2) The introduction of a new hero, Wolfhawk. She is a very nice addition to the game, with some very interesting skills.
3) New tile maps, with new locations such as walls, new mines, camps etc.. adding more variety to the map.
4) New monsters. This expansion introduces some really challenging monsters. For example, there is now an assassination ability, where the damages cannot be assigned to the units. And the arcane immunity ability, creatures with this immunity cannot be damaged by spells. It is really difficult to defeat some of these new monsters without taking wounds. But they surely added a lot of excitements and fun to the game.
5) New hero cards: Each hero (including the base game heroes) now have another new hero card unique to them. This means the heroes are now start the game slightly stronger. Not only are skills in these new cards very interesting, but these new skills are also very useful, without been overpowering. Another thing is, these cards make the heroes feel even more unique and distinctive from each other.
6) New action cards, new artifact cards, new spells, and new units. Some of the cards from the base game are replaced, which improve the balance of the game play. The new cards add some very exciting abilities and in game effects. (and some of these new artifacts are really cool!)
The quality of components in this expansion is very high. Volkare has his own miniature, with level adjustment at the base like a city. This miniature is slightly bigger than hero miniatures, and highly detailed. Wolfhawk has her own miniature as well, I really like the miniature of Wolfhawk, it is highly detailed, and very well painted. Overall, components in this expansion is beautiful to look at, just like the base game.
All in all, it if definitely worth your while to acquire this expansion, especially if you already like the base game. The scenarios against general Volkare are epic, challenging and super fun. The new hero is super exciting in game play. The new cards, monsters and tiles added interesting variety to the game. And finally, the components are beautiful with high production value. Indeed, the lost legion makes Mage Knight a beyond perfect board gaming experience!