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Where I live there are not 1/125th of the gamers as there are in my old stomping grounds (Columbus). I bought this little gem (pun intended) at Origins (2014) specifically for my friends who would identify themselves as ‘non-gamers.’
Teaching the game is simple. First person to 15 points (goal) triggers the last round (from Start player, not from the person who triggered the end). To earn points you need cards with them in the corner. To get cards you have to buy them with coins. So, for your action- you have 2 basic choices- A) get gems OR B) get a card.
A) You can chose either 3 different gems OR 2 of the same color (if there are at least 4 gems in the pile).
B)You can purchase any card on the board by turning in the required number of gem tokens, or using your already purchased cards (do not turn cards in).
There are a few more things- you can earn visits from nobles by fulfilling their card requirements. You can chose to reserve a card and get a wild coin. But that is basically the game.
My friends who do not normally consider themselves ‘gamers’ easily get the hang of this and enjoy the strategy of this game. As such, the half dozen of friends and family I have played with all have wanted to immediately play it again! Typically, after teaching this game, I am asked to play it at least 2 more times.
However, after teaching and playing this game 9 times in the span of a weekend (with different people) I do not know that I would continue to get the same enjoyment out of it a couple months from now.
I can quickly identify what cards a new player wants. If I were a cutthroat player, I could easily block their efforts just to frustrate them. I make it a rule never to do this, especially to new players, simply because it can be infuriating. There is nothing fun about getting my friends mad. Also, I wouldn’t want people to do that to me- reserve a card just so that I couldn’t get it. But I can see other gamers not having a problem with playing that cutthroat way.
I like this game, I really do. The mechanics work well. The game is easy to teach and fun to play. I just don’t know if I will be playing this one as much down the road. What do you guys think?