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What are you playing this weekend? (June 28)

Posted by Jim {Power Gamer} | 28-Jun-13 | 16 comments

My Hordes army have been sleeping too long in their case, so I’m planning on refreshing myself on the rules and maybe teaching some friends how to play. I’ve also gotten excited about a kickstarter game called Ancient Terrible Things, but since it will be a few months before it gets printed I plan to play some Elder Sign since it has some similarities.

Comments (16)

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Hoping to get the fam to play Alhambra on the 4th.

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Played Small World (with all the expansions except Necromancer) and DC Comics Deck-Building.

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Bonus for unplanned gaming. Friends called at the last minute to play Sentinels. Kismet got out of control and kicked our butt, but then we finished with a solid win against Plague Rats.

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Reporter Intern
I play yellow

Wound up playing a few games of Elder Sign and a game of Kingsburg with the wife. Played Lords of Waterdeep and (for the first time) Ticket to Ride at our local game store.

I liked everything, but I felt like Ticket to Ride would have been more interesting if there had been a bit more depth to it.

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Mtg and Fiasco.

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The NEW MAGIC:TG DUELS OF THE PLAINSWALKERS 2014 came out this week on Xbox 360. I’ve been playing a lot of it this weekend. I’m almost through the campaign. GREAT game. Best version yet. Love how you can now adjust the number of lands in your deck as well as build it from scratch with all the unlocked cards.

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Stone of the Sun

So many games this weekend! I feel fantastic, it’s exactly what I needed to wash away the awful weekend that was last weekend. In case anyone actually reads this and is curious between Saturday and Sunday I played Relic, Zombicide, Dixit Odyssey, Settlers of Catan, 7 Wonders, Survive: Escape from Atlantis, Kingdoms, and Rune Age + Expansion.

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I have unfortunately fallen all the way off the game life, having moved from my home, and all. Hopefully I get to do some in the Summer, and be somewhat more active in Autumn. I hope! 😀

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Introducing my daughters to Castle Panic. Also figuring out how to play LOTR Card game by going through the single player campaign.

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Not much time this weekend, but will try to learn triassic terror and Abbadon.

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Not really sure, though I did just complete my Battleground: Fantasy Warfare collection and the Galaxy Trucker Anniversary edition is due in tomorrow. Lots of fun possibilities beyond the usual.

I’m also expecting to be playing Pathfinder, too.

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I play yellow
Stone of the Sun

Got in a couple games of Hanabi and one of CO2 tonight, hopefully one more game before the night is out…

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Jungle Elves - Summoner Wars Beta 2.0 Tester
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Played two games of Small World last night and two games of Sorry! Sliders today.

I’m really hoping to try out my copy of Kemet this week-end. I got it for Father’s Day and haven’t had the chance to play it, but I’ve read so many good things about it, I’m dying to get it to the table.

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Stone of the Sun

Hopefully I’ll be gaming all weekend. I’m suppose to meet my future family in law in Göteborg and I’m hoping to maybe play some light games with them. Then I’m back to Stockholm for my regular gaming group.

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I play purple
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Cryptozoic Entertainment fan

I hope to get in some DBG like Lord of the Rings and DC Comics(I want to try out the Martian Manhunter promo character). But part of my family is working a double shift this weekend.

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