We take a look at Game Developerz by Onion Squire that just launched their campaign on kickstarter.
In Game Developerz, each player assumes the role of a development company. The goal is simple, be the developer at the end of the game with the most critically acclaimed video game. However, the road to get there can be a bumpy one. You’ll be thwarting other developers on one turn, and then be needing their help on another.
Game Developerz won’t let you take things too seriously though because it is full of humor and satire. If you’re a fan of video games you’ll have an extra level of enjoyment as you peel back the many layers of humor and “fan service” found throughout the game.

Learn more about this game on kickstarter.com
{The kickstarter campaign will end on April 5th, 2014}
Go now >

Looks pretty sweet, but a little spendy. I’ll have to wait and see how it goes once it is finished.
A game about making games seems a great idea.
The idea behind this one seems quite interesting. I like that the art on this pops out at you. Just enjoy seeing a color pallet being used, and not the tuff mudder or grey scale that seems to be making the rounds, especially on anything video game related. At least I have a few days to kick around the idea of backing this one.
I love the idea behind this one, and really like that you can go ahead and get all the planned expansions.
I’m definitely going to have to go in on this. I enjoy the theme since I am a very big video gamer as well. Looking forward to see what fan service they have!
I have to admit to not being very interested in the theme, but the art is beautiful. Hrmm..
I threw in on this – nabbing an EB when being the one affected by shipping this time around was important. 🙂
I love the art and the bright and colorful fun style of this game – I couldn’t resist it.
Sense of humor seems a must 🙂
I like the style of this game, and it seems like it’s full of inside jokes or puns. I’m not sure our group will be into it, but if they are, I’ll support it.