Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Role-Playing Games

Miniatures Games

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Actually backing Thunderbird because….it’s Thunderbird, it’s a Matt Leacock game, plays solo and has a french version
On my “near to back” list
Between two cities
Far space foundry
Because of my gaming group I will have to wait for the french release of Ghostbuster and Blood Rage…sniff sniff
@Tatxu Oh no! No Trickerion??? I think they have open pre-orders on their site if ever you feel the magic is back.
After being unable to join Trickerion (and still not tested the PnP) i am trying to get into Blood rage: a good theme, seems interesting and solid gameplay and gorgeous minis to add to my painting queue.
Also i will be checking that Myth We had two test games and liked the idea, but with the big amount of patches and things to solve before thinking to play a continuos campaing it got finally stored… I really think there is a good game there and this could be the opportunity to make it.
Also they have publised a 2.0 version of the base rules i am just checking and proposed my group to have a new trial.
Wow! Lots of great games here!! I am hiding my checkbook and credit cards!!
I haven’t backed in months but I am without a doubt backing Brewin’ USA, as a home brewer I feel obligated 😉
and what has to be the most underrated kickstarter at the moment.
Grave Robbers from Outer Space: Resurrected Edition
Not a game but…
And props to Justin and the guys at Terra Nova on their latest release:
Far Space Foundry. Good reviews so far!
Awesome awesome awesome. I love Megacon and Myth. I’m probably going to have to break my theme and use one of these when you post them.
@Jim If I spend ALL my gold, can I get a custom avatar of the Myth warrior with a cowboy hat? 😉
@Paladin, I’ll be reaching out to them soon and I’ll see what I can do. Maybe in a second round of Myth avatars!
@Jim Any chance of an avatar of the fallen angel from the Myth “Fury of the Fireborne” patch? I love that piece.
I’ve been eagerly waiting for Myth’s next kickstarter. I plan to go through their updated rulebook this weekend to see how it’s changed for the better. Not to mention I’ve got some awesome avatars already created, just waiting for the launch!!!
Vault Wars and Brewin’ USA. Neither of them are on this list. I played them both at Con of the North, they are a lot of fun.
@Hai Just remember that the hateful voices are the loudest, and even if 100 internet nerds raged about Myth, several thousand more were happy with it. Enough, at least, that Recon did big money. I pledged Myth level on that campaign, because I have faith.
Brian has revealed that they’ve listened to the complaints, and that the new expansion will include adventure “modules” (precisely dictated scenarios with creature counts and types), new ways to get titles in free form questing, and lots of lore. All of these — especially the demand for structured adventures — were a direct response to fans/backers asking for them.
I’ve got my fingers crossed, but I think it will do well. 🙂
This week hit my wallet pretty hard on Kickstarter, but I see it has hit it in a completely different way than the rest of you.
Here’s What I’m NOT Backing and Have Reasons for:
Parfum – It’s a Queen Games game and they should stop being on Kickstarter and annoying me.
Thunderbirds – I playtested it and it wasn’t that fun for me.
Ghostbusters – Awesome IP, mediocrity at it’s finest in game play though.
Floating Market and 7evens – Eagle Gryphon seems to hate those living in Europe (or refuse to find the same shipping options as other companies have found) so I won’t be buying their games.
What I AM Backing:
Between Two Cities: I playtested the solo variant of this game and I loved it. I’ve also played it multi-player and it is great as well.
Aether Magic – Sadly this doesn’t look like it will be funded but it looks like a fun game that can be played 2-7 players which is a great spread of players.
Project Dreamscape – Again the solo variant gets me, but it also looks like a great game.
Bottom of the 9th – Even though the shipping is high (I’m mitigating this by pairing up with someone else) it looks like a fun game about baseball! Love that!
Tesla vs Edison – I love the theme and it is cheaper when I get it through Giochistarter in Italy.
Vault Wars – Jon Gilmour and that theme, yeah that’s all I needed.
Games I’m considering:
Far Space Foundry – Anyone want to talk me into or out of pledging for this one?
@Paladin I am curious about the upcoming MYTH campaign also. I still like the game but after all the ‘patches’ I want the more cohesive playable form (new rules & cards) and I am truly morbidly curious to see what happens as it was on the receiving end of so much hate. We received a random box of skellies and extra figs today to fill the shipment shortage. A well timed make-up kiss?
The Game of Kickstarter
To Serve Man: I am still malingering to see how The Final 48 plays out. I’m delving in the deep end of Worker Placement Mechanics of late (although Argent is more than enough in that department) and I really just want to scream ‘IT’S A COOKBOOK! You don’t understand – IT’S A COOKBOOK!’
Empires:Age of Discovery: According to the Tower – this IS Worker Placement and this is the Dream Edition of this game. I don’t know how many Top Tens this popped up on as I was gluing away at hats for Shadows of Brimstone. For my cardboard tastebuds, the theme seems too dry, but this is just something I’m going to keep my eye on and might look to play and purchase in the future.
Hitman Holiday, FAITH, and Grimslingers are curiosities – Grimslingers may get a button push.
Legendary Showdown: I *squee* for both GunnerKrigg and Girl Genius. (Happiness is…a Girl Genius Hardcover.) The Boy nabbed the original Dr. McNinja Kick and I didn’t really care for it – so this is mainly art carding fangirlism.
RDI 5: I am Cult of the Big Box. RDI is a good large party game. I needs me those dividers and individualized play mats! Oh the sweet sorting.
Grave Robbers from Outer Space: Resurrection: We own quite a few of the Z-Man B-Movies games which are always good for a quickie card game chuckle. This is pure nostalge/loyalty. The hard price point and goal vs soft campaign makes me think it is going to stay in the grave. 🙁
The Boy Radar:
Redshirts 2: He’s a Trekkie. The designer put his ‘Skin of Evil Day Spa’ in the past campaign Kickstarter pack. I find the game unplayable but this is his ‘artcard’ pledge.
Ghostbusters: Day One this was his. When I met him, he had a The Real Ghostbuster’s Firehouse Playset as a coffee table centerpiece. I know some Cardboard Factions like to give Cryptozoic the Skunk Ape Eye – but I don’t have a problem with their deckbuilds. To me – it looks a bit ‘meh’ but I can’t deny IP love. When I was 7ish I had a Janine Ghostbuster’s boilersuit Halloween costume and yes – I really, really, really, want to play as her.
Oh Zuulie – you nut!
@Hai And yet, here I am. Eagerly waving my money in their direction. Drat!
I guess I should catch up here. No sense in pretending I’m not an addict. but before I do: The MYTH Journeyman Expansion Kickstarts on Monday. Mark your calendars, friends.
I’m glad I wasn’t on BGDot (I owe @Hai one nickel) during Rum & Bones and Conan. I’d feel obligated to tell you all how much cash I dropped. I have a problem.
Anyway, THIS WEEK:
I dropped How to Serve Man. Great concept, awesome cover art, but they spared art on event and recipes in favor of a 5-6 player expansion. A light worker placement fare like this NEEDS its art to carry it, so I’m out.
Currently backing Thunderbirds because it looks like a really cool co-op. As a relatively young American the IP means nothing to me. I’m on the fence now, due to other upcoming games.
In for Blood Rage because Vikings. As a 6’8″ blonde giant warrior it is my duty to support it. Also, Eric Lang’s game designs are always stellar.
Backing the Ninja Dice: Kage Masters campaign mostly for the location cards I’ve desperately sought for about six months, but digging the Kage content anyway so it’ll be twenty bucks well spent.
And finally, yes I’m backing Ghostbusters: The Board Game. I’m doing so 100% for the IP at this point, because the gameplay seems a bit boring and simple. Maybe Cryptozoic will prove me wrong, but at the moment this is purely a “Ghostbusters!? Oh, neat!” pledge. Also, I hate the deluxe box.
Imperial Harvest looks like a tight two player, while How to Serve Man and The Thunderbirds are campy fun. I think there are at least a couple of winners in the list.
Hmmm…it must have been two months because C’MON! is pushing plastic. Blood Rage looks like it is sideline wave to the Cthulhu Wars bandwagon.