Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Role-Playing Games

Miniatures Games

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Backed Above and Below. I like Ryan Lauket’s designs and his art.
If you want to have the best looking table in town (or the best looking town on your table?), the third Dwarven Forge terrain Kickstarter has crossed the $1 million mark.
This time around, their very sturdy Dwarvenite tiles are building into the sky, with, well… buildings. They also have recently opened up sewers as well.
Also of note for anyone who hasn’t backed them before, both of their previous Kickstarters ($1.9 million and $2.1 million) delivered on time.
Jumped on… nothing!
Not because I don’t want too but a recent count revealed just how many unplayed games I have at home… Until that total is more than halved there is only one game I’m gonna consider buying (including expansions) and that would be my own Crokinole board.
I backed Entropy mostly because I love the artwork and theme, but it also looks like fun. I was happy that they had a backer level to also receive their previous Kickstarter game Rise to Power which I won’t have to wait as long for. Hopefully these games will also be available here to review.
I also backed Between two Cities as it looks like the partner-collaboration game mechanic with competition could be really fun. I’m also drawn to what seems to be the quick pace of the game.
Ancient Terrible Thing expansion….mmmmmmmmm…cant wait to see what it is
Looking for Burgle Bro…. I wish it reaches the cardboard reward level
I am also tempted by Trainmaker.
I backed Tunderbirds because its a Matt Leacock game, it plays solo and has a french version
Oh and another upgrade your boardgames kickstarter to expire in 42 hours:
Far Space Foundry is Terra Nova – the same guys who did Ophir – small indie releasing one game of time. So far doing a great job!
Besides these games, there are other cool stuff for boardgamers:
Meeplesource – piece upgrades for Pandemic, Power Grid, Ticket to Ride, Eldritch Horror, Imperial Settlers, Yedo, Caverna, Agricola, Lords of Waterdeep…
Coin Upgrades – these are beautiful, mix and match set to upgrade to Metal Coins…
What are the general thoughts on Burgle Bros? Does anyone have Paperback or Wok Star? I like the idea as a Coop, and it seems to have more depth than Forbidden Desert/Island.
I backed Imperial Harvest. I’m always looking for fun 2 player games and the price was right! Also, fantasy mixed with strawberry stealing just intrigues me…
I can’t wait to see a production copy of Thunderbirds. Leacock cooperatives always interest me.
In for SO MUCH MYTH, obviously.
Blood Rage has been surprisingly devoid of optional add-on purchases, unless you REALLY want to play with five people or have a deep, burning love for sheep. Both of their could-have-been-an-add-on expansions are being offered as stretch goals. Very impressive for a Cool Mini or Not project.
Giving Mistfall a chance, but we’ll see where it goes over the next few weeks. Nothing has screamed “Back me!” yet except for the three dollar early bird savings. Need to check out Richard Ham’s videos and then I’ll decide.
Dropped Thunderbirds. Did I mention that already? It’s not really in my wheelhouse. Looks like a fun cooperative game, but not for $100. Really only like to drop that kind of money on a mediocre-looking game if it’s a popular American property like Ghostbusters.
Still waiting for some movement on Ninja Dice Kage Masters. It has promise at the beginning but I think the stretch goal numbers were unrealistic from the jump. At least I’m getting location cards, so I’m not unhappy if the project ends up not breaking any goals.
Tempted by Grimslingers and very tempted by Trainmaker. Anyone have any opinions that might push me one way or the other on them?
Oh yeah, Between Two Cities is on there. Passing. I like Viticulture well enough but I guess I’m not a big enough fan to jump on top of everything Jamie produces.
Interested to see Blood Rage and MYTH go toe-to-toe over the next few days and Soda Pop will be tossing their Ninja All-Stars into the arena before all is said and done.
But more intriguing is that Ancient Terrible Things advert flashing off to the side there. YAY!