Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Role-Playing Games

Miniatures Games

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$3 million for Conan. That box is gonna be BIG.
Still not quite out of my mind..
@BitBot I have to agree – I’ve given The Boy some flak over the past month about Team Coco and Conan, but if you aren’t paying double for shipping – it’s a whole lot of game for the Kingmaker pledge or whatever it is called.
If it dethrones Heroquest from the throne of warm and fuzzy memories? TBD
As Conan rides off into the sunset a new contender enters the Arena Miniature…
There’s something strange in the neighborhood!
I was a little shocked I didn’t saw Pretense but I was looking at the post from the 29th (du’h!)
Along with that one, I think I will be able to try out Conan, which I think will be an awesome experience due to all its content.
I heard a lot about Trickerion…sadly i’m a little short on money (:sadface:)
For those on the fence about Conan, someone put together a spreadsheet detailing what you get for what pledge level. The $135.00 level nets you 184 miniatures and 32 items of furniture, much of that not included in the retail version (so they claim)
Check it out if interested
Pretty sure I’ll be skipping Conan now, everything I would like to get it including shipping we’re talking about 400$ which would total about 550$with VAT and fees which is just to much currently with the USD quite high compared to NOK.
I thought I was doing pretty well when I only saw two projects I was currently backing on the list:
Spirits of the Rice Paddy
Tiny Epic Galaxies
Then I kept scrolling ND oops, there were projects 3 and 4:
Trickerion (in a Germany group order so not technically on the list of backers)
Epic pvp
There is little of interest for me in many of the other projects like Heroes Wanted and pretense but mostly because they wouldn’t get played in my group. Other projects are just too expensive especially when adding in shipping for Germany.
February and March are shaping up to be The Game of Kickstarter which makes for a very careful game of budgets.
Especially with The Boy still eagerly playing the Team Coco count up while I ate a good chunk of Kickstarter change on the Greater Than Sentinels/SenTact preorders.
Most Definites:
Tiny Epic Galaxies The tiny epics are tiny but good games for the pledge.
Pretense will be fun for our game group
Epic PvP & Don’t Turn Your Back: I’ve had nothing but good experiences with both Fun to 11 and Evil Hat in the past. They put out good product and run good campaigns.
City Builder:V&V not breaking the budget and Villagers and Villains is a fun, light, city building card game.
Heroes Wanted:SoL is on The Boy’s acquisitions as he pledged the first round – but definitely an expansion I would pass on other things to get.
We’ll See How the Wind Blows
Theomachy will probably be pledged over others. Gods and Deckbuilding? Tasty.
Battle of Durak: I like it. Simple, fun, clever, first timer. I just think it is getting lost in the shadows of everything hitting the decks at once.
Space Cadets:Away Missions I really like Stronghold Games as a company, but I think this game could have been more at another time. You can’t spit in the face of Team Coco it seems. I would be curious to see a Cool Mini Millions campaign pop in right now to watch the blood sport.
And sadly these games that would have been snatched up at any other time are waiting for me to count my pennies: Rise of Cthulhu, Nova Cry, Unspeakable Words, Epic Dice.
@Taxtu Ill give you a quick Heroes Wanted low down 🙂
Firstly, I think it is a fun, solid game and one of the Golden Children of this past Gen Con. 😉
BUT – it isn’t a Superhero game per se like Sentinels or Legendary – it’s as much a Superhero game as Lords of Waterdeep is a D&D game.
It’s a Super Euro but that isn’t a bad thing.
The whole point is to amass as many Fame (Victory) Points as you can to be recognized by whatever Super Group is seeking new hires. You build a hero from two cards that gives you variable player super powers. You have a deck of basic ‘moves’ to manage and then get special cards for your hero type: Vigilante, Mutant, etc. You get a crazy quirk to make the game silly and face off against a super villain of two card variable powers.
Then you play a giant game of Whack a Minion. Each scenario has a few objective to give you fame points – like picking up trash, defusing bomb, etc but mostly you just move through swarms of meeple minions and henchmen on the map and beat them up as quickly and efficiently as you can for fame points and the ability to cash them in for upgrades as the game plays on. There are various goals you want to achieve first for fame and a teleporting super villain who you want to stay away from or predict where he is going to show up so you can land a few punches on him for massive fame. It is really just a fun, fast, and chaotic game of flying fists and pushing your fame count as high as it will go. I think it is good beat ’em up/victory point race fun but going into it as superhero game is like expecting Kaosball to be a simulated rugby match.
Somebody has an opinion for Heroes Wanted?
I will be delving into this one also this weekend.
I will spend time this weekend and watch videos of Conan. Still slightly on the fence about this one as it is a major investment. I’ve yet to try Myth (a friend of mine has it), but if Conan is simpler I’m likely to pass up on it.
@AD, i had GoA on my checklist. I had a quick look at it and the miniatures looked gorgeous, but there was a lot of information on the project so i marked it and i am still waiting to have some time to delve on the game to take a decision.
Conan was more a decision from the feelings, as i am a big fan of the Howard Novels, and have been reading comics since i was ten.
@Tatxu… this is absolutely NOT a shameless promotion of our current advertisers… but…
Have you checked out Guards of Atlantis? The miniatures are more steampunk than fantasy, but they’re some of the nicest I’ve ever seen. And they’re huge… 70mm! I love big miniatures – I don’t mix between games, so being out of scale doesn’t matter to me.
And GoA has a reasonably-priced painted level (still some EBs open) – huge for me, as I won’t back unpainted miniatures until I clean up my current SDE/SenTact/Dreadball back-log.
Other than GoA, I’m backing Tiny Epic Galaxies and Capture – worried the last one might not make it, but it looks like a fun little mix of strategy and dexterity that might play well with young’uns.
Happy to see Trickerion making it so good, i have the feeling it is going to be a great game.
The great monster Conan… i have the feeling i will get a kind of Myth talking about completion of the mechanics and rules, but with a even more basic mechanic… Behind Myth there is a very good idea that has not been correctly explained in the rules, i am afraid this is not the case for Conan
Luckyly i like fantasy miniatures, i more like GOOD fantasy miniatures i will enjoy to paint… So i am backing with the hope that is the minimum i will get. If the game is also funny will be good, and if more then will be great, but i like to control my expectations.