Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

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@Jim It appears it worked 🙂
@HaiKulture, I think I fixed it, some games weren’t “tagged” in the backend as being kickstarter games. Now I just have to wait until it refreshes to see if it worked 🙂
Hmmm…it seems the ‘Open Campaign’ list isn’t updating itself with the new entries into the library
Bullfrogs is so darn cute. My son is going to LOVE it! I just added my pledge to it and I hope more people will sign on so it gets made. ^_^
Area 1851 enters the all important Final 48 and keeps chugging along Cowpunk style like a steamhorse. This unique game of sorta gadget building and kind of worker placement has unlocked quite a few bonus cards along the way and some nifty ‘scoring saucers’
@Granny – yup – how about that Catacombs? It just keeps on flicking the funding and stretch goals up and up. While I would have been happy if Soloth had its own campaign somewhere down the line when the plastic wasn’t running so hot – I couldn’t resist an all-in either. Too many new heroes and monsters to pass up. This set is going to be better than the original IMHO
My guess is a lot of people here are going to want to get a copy of Dig Down Dwarf. It’s only up for two weeks…
Well, Cavern of Soloth expansion has been added as a pledge level to Catacombs. It’s a bit steep at $110, but it includes base game and some of the monsters from the smaller expansions. I was the third backer in what will probably be quite a few to help unlock even more extras. This is probably my favorite dexterity game. You owe it to yourself to check it out.
Edit: I just upped my pledge to they Witch Level to get it all! This is not for the feint of heart. I do declare! I may need anotha’ mint julip.
Sentinel Tactics unlocks a new Stretch Goal – bringing Sentinel Fan Favorite Unity into the mix. Game content grows with her card set, tokens, and mini. What shadowy goal looms next? Most likely her golems – another huge mini unlock.
Pay Dirt needs more love! Roll up your sleeves and get diggin’ people!
Lazy Kickstarter Brunch was thankfully quiet this morning!
The only thing that sort of jumped out at me and gave me a poke was Allegiance:A Realm Divided so I put that on a watch.
I know many of you have children between wee and twee, so now things like Beastie Bash and The Pirate Deck jump out at me as I scroll through the pledge market. Both look very light-hearted and fun for a rainy day. Pirate Deck has metal coins! Shiny!
And it must have been a month because Among the Stars is back on Kickstarter???? So if you missed this space station card drafter now is the chance! (…or June…or most likely in September…or…) 🙂
Wow! Epic Resort really had a lot of Turkey Lurkey Remind Me mileage. Things really jumped for them during the Final 48!
I wish I could back at least half of these. The Bullfrog game seems very cool, my son would love it. I’ll have to see if we can help them get funded. ^_^
Thanks Hai! I hope you and yours had a terrific Tabletop Day. I managed to not spend anymore money… as I already have most of the games on sale… plus, a large portion of my funds are earmarked for Kickstarter. I am a broke but happy gamer.
@Granny That was a wonderful post!
Yes Kickstarter – you do well to play the Cabin Fever Game. Come May you’ll find me dancing in the sunshine.
Between The Boy and myself – it is scary to think how many projects we’ve backed. I’ve been ‘playing the supporter game’ for a year and Mr. Self-proclaimed Kickstarter Speculator for probably a year and a half before he foolishly showed it to me. So many projects – in production, in maybe production, in radio silence, and of course, so many updates about being really,really sick for 3 months while moving and having several babies. (Note to self: Never become a First Time Developer as I will suddenly become extremely fertile and then get a dose of the mysterious Production Phase Plague)
But this past holiday season – quite a number of projects began rolling in. Things we had forgotten about. Among the Amazon boxes arriving on our doorstep for family and friends – each week it seemed there was a little surprise for ourselves. A mysterious little game,almost forgotten, to unwrap and sort and play and judge. I dubbed it ‘Kickmas’ .
So don’t worry Granny, you may feel like a crow now – but come the wintertide, you’ll be a-ravin’ 😉
Today, I was walking to the bus stop to pick up my youngest when I noticed a crow being attacked by a much smaller bird. My guess is the bird was protecting its nesting site. It’s early Spring here in Oregon, and the birds are trickling in as the temperature rises ever so slowly.
For whatever reason, the revelation Spring is here, along with more sun and longer days, got me thinking about gaming this Summer. It’s always a tug of war between enjoying the great outdoors, and getting to play all the wonderful games I want to play. Having two boys, I struggle balancing our love of hiking in the wilderness with our love of sitting at a table playing with cardboard, dice, and tiny plastic minions. In some ways, rainy days make life easier.
This brings me back to crow and angry bird. I’ve been ordering a lot of new games lately… many on Kickstarter. The fact these games will most likely be arriving during winter is quite nice. However, I can’t help but feel a little like that crow, sitting on a wire, minding my own business, while a little angry bird called Kickstarter keeps attacking my wallet for no apparent good reason. I know I’m an easy target, and I do love eggs… but for the love of all that is holy… stop with all the cool games already!!!
I backed Epic Resort, and I’m feeling vulnerable right now. It’s Rahdo’s fault. Fricken’ birds.
@Account Deletion That has been exactly my SDE:FK fear! LOL Thanks for the heads up math! 😉 Oh well – I’ll see what the shopping list has in store for Endgame. 🙂 I don’t mind paying an extra 2-3 bucks times whatever over time to piece it all together and am grateful for the option. 😉
@Jim LOL Hmmm…apparently I used a bad ‘buzz’ word in my big KS chatter and BGdot ECHELON has me on hold for moderation. Hmmm…let’s see…I avoided w*ne when speaking about Tuscany.
And….*drumrooollll*…Sentinel Tactics! Sentinel Tactics! SENTINEL TACTICS!!!! So long await and such soft launched. Ever expanding base set! Growing Sentinel Squad of minis! Proletariat hammering out 6 clones! Some very very very mysterious shadows for Stretch Tier 3! *drooooooooooool* This barefoot pixie has been slipping in her own Sentinel Love Spittle since launch! Sentinel Tactics!!!!!!!
On the Gaming Gossip front…
*The Boy wanted me to leak that Fireteam Zero the Resident Evil meets sort of more Resident Evil for the tabletop might have an open Pledge Manager at some point if you missed out
*Prepare your plastic for Level 99 should be launching a reboot of their flagship Battlecon:War in a fancy Devastation style possibly,maybe, kind of, in the very near future. 😉 A good chance to pick up this card based button-masher and most likely Devestation to boot. 😉
*Cheesecake Tink has it on good authority that Fairytale Games:The Battle Royale Second Chance Open Pledge Manager should be ‘open’ again for the much coveted Big Bad Wolf tier this weekend and the Base/Expansion card game also. Check out the Artistic Justice Games FTG page or Greenbrier for a link 😉
Two weeks and nothing new for me! I’m so happy.
Watching the clock tick on SDE: Forgotten King, Sentinels Tactics, Robots on the Line and Catacombs. With the exception of Robots, I love the pace at which they’re unlocking stretch goals (although quite expensively in SDE:FK‘s case… @Hai, you may want to keep your blinders on… they’re up to $250 if you “want it all”).
I am very intrigued by Bullfrogs…
First the battle of the Bloodsport Arena games and now you can’t throw a bit of flange without hitting a ‘mini’ game. It really is a Singular Case of Too Many Minis – I never dip my toes too far into the deep end of the Plastic Bath – so let’s see:
SDE:Forgotten King: I backed on Day One and malingered for a few days and now I am scared to go back! Who knows what crazy maze of unlocks and add-ons have been unleashed! With The Boy on the recent AQ and nothing sacred and exclusive I’ll probably just sit on my base pledge and pick up an extra one or two irresistibles during the Final 48.
RECON: Too heavy for me. Will be in it for the MYTH crossovers if those amount to anything.
AETHERIUM: I count this as mini. Skirmish? Meh. The renders look nice though. Might just pick up a figure for the knick knack shelf to dress up the Gaming Den. I wish it well as it splashes about in the Plastic Bath
Heavy Steam Toes crossed The Boy doesn’t catch wind of this. 😛 Stampunk? A main graphic that looks much like Battle Cry which he shakes about with Tide of Iron (Is this Tide of Steam?) when the much dreaded ‘war game itch’ takes hold of him. All those Cube Pusher cubes to push around! I’m so doomed! *sigh*
In other things…ummm…Sundry and Geek…
Gamers helping Gamers seems to be the name of the game.
Spielbound: I doubt I will ever set foot in Omaha, but the board gaming Cafe has a donation. I wish I had one. The jammy shirt looks nifty also!
Board Games:Now Blind Accessible Another donation (even though it seem so individualized I don’t know how it will work on the funding). I hope they get some major Developer support on the back end.
Rahdo Runs Through It Like the recent Dice Tower campaign – Rahdo provides a service to the Cardboard Kingdom and I support that. I’ll also accept zazzy glass art instead of secret promo cards as a thank you. 🙂 Shame a pretty purple necklace and earring set is out of the budget. 🙁 🙁 🙁 *weeps openly*
Here’s my KickList and musings as I wander the Cardboard Kingdom and sip my Hai Tea this afternoon 😉
Game Developerz: The bubblegum art and parody of The Gaming Other had me from the get go. (This was actually a toss up during Lazy Kickstarter Sunday Brunch between The Boy and me. He’s the big V-Game Head, but I pledged it so his more ‘serious’ Kickstarter Speculator list would remain unsullied. *eye roll and *quiet sigh*) I haven’t been tracking it much, but I popped in to see a Final 48 plagued with some standard EB, Add-on, and Kickstarter exclusive controversy. Well-I ‘caught them all’ and got a nifty jammy worthy t-shirt to boot weeks ago so I’m happy. 😉
Epic Resort : Disney Art style! Worker placement meets Deck building! No-nonsense campaign. I AM going to push the button. I will! I promise!!!! I keep checking in on you. I like you, I really like you! Why am I waiting for the Final 48? Most likely the Final 24? Why??? Epic Resort you are my own personal psychological mystery! A dose of Granny paranoia? I’ll see you Sunday. *hugs*
Tuscany: Too Euro for my Ameritrashy ways. (Although I really want to stomp grapes Lucy style whenever I see it :P) That’s just me. This deserves the love it is getting. The Stonemaier is nothing but quality both in gaming and campaigning. Jamey’s KS blog makes for an interesting read for backer and developers alike. (Especially First Campaigners – read that like a KickRosettaStone!)
Area 1851: Keeps chugging along Game Salute campaign style – here’s the game – here’s some stretchies – thanks for playing. This one had me from a HAL to Hai ‘…Hello…’. Surreal art style, unique can’t-put-my-finger-on-it game play (watch the Alien Autopsy walkthrough). It just seems easy, breezy, Cowpoke and Cowpunk fun!
Coup: Methinks I must look into this Coup . I’ll be watching and then watching-my-back-ing it seems if I back 😉
Catacombs 2ed: I’m linking arms with Team Granny on this. The Boy and I have the complete first edition and love it! (And golly was that hard to track down – even when it was running hot.) It is fun and fast and furious finger flicking fun. If there is a game that lends itself to shouts of ‘Huzzah!’ this is it and while this dex driven dungeon delve is fun, it is can also get nail-bitingly intense. Besides a Gelatinous Cube just unlocked. ’nuff said! Don’t miss this (and run out and grab a broken air hockey mini table for $5 bucks at a yard sale so you are ready! ;))
Treasures and Traps: This one just has a lot of nostalgia value for me and college days when my gaming collection consisted of Munchkin and a full copy of the Mayfair edition of Cosmic E I ‘borrowed’ from my Daddy. In the Munchkin vein it is just an easy. breezy tongue-in-cheek stab at the Tunnels and Tropes of dungeon delving. Nothing too serious, but quite a bit of fun. Also the campaign is a good chance to pick up Dungeoncraft (see Avatar Library ;)) and the just closed Villagers & Villains and expansion. I’m also in it for The Box – since my current version is well kept and loved albeit crammed in a tuck box and kept from Pandora-ing with an army of rubber bands. I’ve never been so overjoyed to see a ‘holder box’ since Cutthroat Caverns: Fresh Meat
Westerly: Welcome to the Threeboot! Third times a charm right? I still have a lot of love for this parody of the pixelated prairie of yesteryear where ‘Trail Hits You’! It seems to be rolling along and hopefully they have stocked up on enough twine and pi-annies to get them to the funding coast. The Trails and Tropes expansion of steampunk, zombies, and Lovecraft’s The Big C puts parody on parody for a triple layer parody cake…that is NOT A LIE.
Storyteller Cards: While not a game-game (although there is a pdf of mini games you can play with the decks), I just sort of like the imagineering and creative aspect behind the idea. $10 the deck/ $20 for the combo – it seems worth a flutter. 🙂
Bullfrogs: Looks interesting (although I haven’t really looked yet because frogs are creepy!) I fear frogs register the same way as the Apex‘s Dinosaurs with the HaiMind 🙁