gamer level 3
1007 xp
1007 xp
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Explorer - Level 2
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 1)
180 xp
180 xp
Explorer (lvl 2)
310 xp
310 xp
Professor (lvl 0)
62 xp
62 xp
Reporter (lvl 0)
1 xp
1 xp
About Me
I play Carcasonne as a sort of mental defrag. I'm a developer and family man and bridge the gap between an avid and casual gamer. Occasionally a family gamer. Since I go to conventions I guess that makes me more than a casual gamer though.
Firefly: The Game
I got to spend a couple hours learning this game from the designers at GenCon 2013 and was so very glad for the opportunity. The game is well designed and solidly themed. Any firefly fan will have an absolute hoot comparing their knowledge of the game and being reminded of obscure characters and moments in the show.
As far as the gameplay goes, its a pick up and deliver game. It personally think it gets a little simple as the game progresses. It needs some escalation factor to make later play more challenging and some additional rules for messing with the other players but the way the game is written it should be easily expanded even with house rules.
My biggest criticism is that the rule book is absolute dross. It’s impossible to find some of the critically important rules or see how they fit together. Having someone demo the game makes it clear in moments but finding the corresponding rules in the book is a nightmare. If anything kills the success of this game it will be that.