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Puerto Rico
Components: The boards and building / plantation chits are simply thin cardboard with very basic or no art, so the overall appearance is rather plain. Still, each component gets its point across clearly, which in the end is what really matters.
Setup: It’d be unfair to not mention this, as setting up the game is rather tedious, having to count out several pieces based on the number of players… Not only does it take a while to get done, but is also difficult to memorize.
Learning the Game: Learning to actually play the game is pretty straight forward. Each of the possible actions that you can take are very well explained in the rulebook and the text on the individual buildings is mostly easy to understand. My wifey and daughters were able to catch on early in the first game and scored well their first tries.
Game Play: The game play itself moves along very quickly as each player usually has something to do on every turn of the game. There’s plenty of time to explore lots of the available buildings and really build up your player board. The game ends just where it should, not too eary nor too late.
Interaction: How much players are able to mess with each other is an important aspect of game play to me and while Puerto Rico doesn’t have a ton of interaction, it still has plenty to work well for my tastes. The majority of the interaction here is in denying your opponents the actions and buildings that they would prefer, but also comes with timing actions to force them into less then favorable positions.
Conclusion: While the game is a bit plain to look at and tedious to setup, playing the game is a joy and offers plenty of strategic choices that I and my family greatly enjoy.