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Ninja Burger: Secret Ninja Death Touch Edition
Ninja Burger is a fun competitive game where you and your fellow ninjas are delivery men for the most honorable burger chain “Ninja Burger”.It’s a race to be the most honorable burger delivery ninja. As a delivery ninja you are tasked to deliver burgers in exotic locations and in dangerous situations!
In this battle to gain tips and promotions you are given a ninja card with your skills and special abilities witch will vary from ninja to ninja.Every ninja is given a mission card witch may be traded during the staff meeting phase or you may choose to skip out on this meeting to gain a leg up on your co-ninjas.use the ninja skills to resolve your mission by rolling dice. As you pass missions you gain honor, money and fortune cards.Don’t fail missions or you will be on the fast track to shaming your ancestors.In the end only the most honorable of ninjas can receive the coveted title of BRANCH MANAGER!