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About Me
I mostly like strategy games and some of the thematic games as well. I mostly prefer games I can convince my wife to play with me :) Not really much of a war gamer as it always brings out the worst in my friends.
I have also been working on several games which I am hoping to contribute to slew of games out there.
Learning – I first played Agricola in a Board game Cafe, which wasn’t the easiest learning environment and the spacing was less than to be desired. We did have an experienced person teach us the game, which helped with the learning curve. However, the game was love at first play.
Competition – The main focus in the game is to build up your own farm, and I’ve always seen my personal goal to be self improvement in the game, not necessarily winning. Essentially, trying to find a way to beat out the score that you had in the previous game. However, if you are the highly competitive type then you can try and take spaces (and in expansions destroy other people’s farms) before your opponents to limit other player’s gain.
Replayability – There is so much going on in Agricola that it becomes difficult to take a specific focus (whether to start making fields, prepping for animals, taking major improvements, focusing on extending the family or bringing out more occupations). Because of this, it can be frustrating to first learn the game, however it’s what gives the appeal and very high replayability.
Strategy – You can get a clue for your focus from your 14 cards you get dealt as you can try to figure out which ones may work best together and try to figure out when you may play them. The cards can be great at slightly changing the rules in your favor or gaining more points or food. But, don’t expect to get all the cards out if you expect to win. I could talk more but you can find more under the tips.
The turns – The round cards are great, where each round a new space is available and it brings the next harvest closer. If you have forgotten that you need to feed your people then you may be in for some begging cards during the harvest.
Length – Even though the game is only 14 rounds long, the game usually takes about 2 hours to play with 3-4 people. But the great thing my friends and I always found is that the game never feels quite that long as you are always invested in trying to think about your next move.
Final Thought – I love strategy games like this where there is no dice involved and only the human factor to create chaos in the game. In Agricola I find that the game is so fluid that anytime you play you may consider trying to do something differently (the exception to this might be if you only play the family version) based on your cards you have. Also, if you get the expansions (Legen*dairy forest and X-Deck especially) then you add more randomness to the game and more possibilities that you may not have otherwise thought. For me, this game hit right on the money and it’s one I will continue to keep playing for a while.