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This is a fun and fast game that all types should enjoy. It is like a combination of the old “telephone game” and pictionary.
The after dark version is great for adults but my friends don’t really need the extra push in that direction.
In a nutshell you draw a picture and pass your book and the next person writes what they see and passes it and the next person draws what they have written. The whole time you are getting other people’s passed to you so there is little down time.
A couple tips:
Get people in the habit of starting in the back and working forward so the don’t accidentally open it to the wrong page. (We say start at the back and when you come to a used page do the next one.)
We like the cold reveal with commentary (light heart non-mean commentary). In other words without previewing we say “My word was “cat” and here mom draw an excellent cat sitting in a window. Dad wrote “Cat Nap”. Bob drew a bed covered in cats and Sue wrote Crazy cat lady”.
The best part is the crappier the drawer the more laughs they normally get.
Our first game my mom drew a otter in a chefs hat <—- treasured memory