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Kill Doctor Lucky
Many months ago I brought this game to a family get-together and 6 people decided to try it out. My wife and I had played it previously with our two neighbors.
This time we added the docs dog to the mix. I do not recommend playing this with 6 or more people. It takes entirely too much time and is extremely difficult since more people are around to watch the doctor, and therefore he cannot be killed. We spent about 2.5 to 3 hours trying to do so. If your a strategist, like myself, you try and time the docs movements and set yourself up to get into a room with him alone.
Once someone had an opportunity to kill him, there were so many failure cards out there it was a sure failure. I believe that night we almost went through every failure card in the deck before someone finally won. Yes, his dog added to the difficulty, but also added another element of strategy. It got to the point where everyone playing just wanted the doc to die horribly.
It is overall an easy game to grasp and still fun with friends, just watch the player count.