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Thunderstone AID app for iOS devices!

Posted by Greg {Avid Gamer} | 29-Mar-12 | 11 comments

If you have an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad you might be interested in the new Thunderstone AID utility app that AEG released yesterday. It’s not a digital version of the boardgame, but a gameplay utility that also features high resolution images of the artwork from the original Thunderstone base set and its expansions.

Here is the description from the app store:
“Thunderstone AID is the official utility application for the Thunderstone Board Game.

* Browse High-Resolution images of the cards from Thunderstone and all of its Expansions!
* Use the Randomizer to speed through the setup process of the Board Game!
* Save your Setups as a Favorite so you can replay it again!
* Share your Favorite Setups with the world where they can rate it!
* PDFs of the Rulebooks on your iPhone and iPad
* iCloud support for all of your Settings and Favorite Setups
* Use the Card Creator to make your own Thunderstone cards that use the actual art from the Board Game and share them online! (ordering a fully playable physical version of your custom card from directly within the app is coming soon)

Thunderstone Advance Coming Very Soon!”

Here are some screenshots from the app:
Thunderstone AID app screenshots

Jim Thunderstone card created
After seeing the really cool card creator, I couldn’t resist playing around with it. I’m sure I broke the rules by using my own art, but the possibilities are endless! I’m not sure if my dungeon ability is very strong though (chuckle).

App price: $1.99

Thunderstone AID is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 5.1 or later. 

App store link: Thunderstone AID

Comments (11)

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Miniature Painter
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Mansions of Madness 2nd edition may help make converts!

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I play orange
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@Jim, not just a social element, but psychological as well. The more I board game and come to understand the different gamer types, the more I see parallels in the work environment.

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Knight-errant Beta 1.0 Tester
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The Big Cheese 2012

I just love an excuse to meet up with friends in person.

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Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
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Very well put, most board games have that social element that makes them feel like worthwhile activities spent with friends and family. I’d say the same thing about watching movies with others… did you really DO something with them, or just sit and veg.

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I play orange
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A video game here and there is great for atmospheric immersion. That’s how I approach it. After awhile, I feel like I’m wasting time. I never feel that way about boardgames.

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Count / Countess Beta 1.0 Tester Beta 2.0 Tester
Cryptozoic Entertainment fan

Donuts…yes I agree.
I sometimes think of board gaming as the anti-videogame grassroots ‘take-back-gaming’ revolution.

But of course I have just about every board game app thus created….lol.

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Petroglyph Beta 1.0 Tester

The interesting thing about board game apps is that I got back into board gaming a few years ago to get away from so much video gaming. Does anyone else have this same experience? It feels like they are handing out free donuts at the gym.

Granny likes cardboard, Granny likes cardboard, Granny likes cardboard…

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The Gold Heart
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Thanks, Jim. Good news indeed!

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Mythic Kingdoms Backer 2020
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In the description in the app store towards the bottom it says “Thudnerstone Advance coming very soon.” So that is good news!

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Novice Advisor
The Gold Heart
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Is there an Advance version coming out? Since I only have Advance I’d only be interested in features relating to it (randomizers, templates, etc.).

(Edit: How did I miss that?!)

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Knight-errant Beta 1.0 Tester
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The Big Cheese 2012

Why can’t these gaming apps ever be for Kindle/Android?! That always frustrates me.

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