Penny Arcade is the longest running most successful gaming web-comic series in history.This god-like, blinding success didn’t frighten the folks at Cryptozoic Entertainment who as fans themselves, envisioned a Penny Arcade deck building game that would cause whole sections of the population to put down their controllers, push aside their tablets and games of “Draw Something,” drop their polyhedrons and start shuffling – consequently lining the company’s pockets with gold! It is with a heavy heart that we divulge the game’s secrets to the general population – risking further blinding success…
Disclaimer: Penny Arcade: The Game, Gamers vs. Evil does have some graphic and less than appropriate subject matter. This might not be suitable for everyone, especially families and kids younger than 15.
Looks good!
I have looked at it, and it just doesn’t have anything, unfortunately, that screams must have a copy.
I’m going to check this out! Since PA has been a bit more cardboard-friendly in the last couple years, I’ve been reading it regularly , and the game sounds hilarious. The point of a game is just to have fun playing it, so even if the game play is not top notch, it sounds like a good time.
@Magno, The comic is great! I read it every M/W/F, but wish it was a M-F comic like PvP. Just the other day they wrote a comic about Ticket to Ride, so its not just about video games. Good comic, check it out.
I’ve never read the web-comic, but a peanut gallery viewing of this game being played didn’t really strike any interest frm me. It looked too simple.
Just a small point of order – Penny Arcade is not the longest running gaming webcomic. Technically PvP is. It may not be much of a gaming webcomic now, but it definitely started that way and has been around longer (by a month or three) than PA.
I’ve been fence sitting with this one. The Penny Arcade fan in me wants it just because it’s Penny Arcade, but I’d hate to end up buying a game that wasn’t worth a tinker’s cuss.
There’s also the part of me that looks at this game and expects it to be good that doesn’t want to be disappointed in it only being okay.
This sounds like a lot of fun. I may have to try it. I’m all for card games that aren’t suitable.