Below is a selection of games that stood out to us while browsing
Backing a project can be a great thing, but please do the research on a game before you put money into it. Happy exploring!

Board, Card & Miniatures Games

Role-Playing Games

Other Board Game Related Projects

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So. I got my pledge reward for the Let’s Kill Krampus game by Three Fates Games last night.
I have never, ever wanted a Kickstarter pledge back before. Everything about it was disappointing and poorly made, and reinforced why people tell you to be wary of Kickstarter games.
While I was looking forward to playing this when the holidays roll around, I’m probably going to TRY (unsuccessfully) to unload it on eBay — or leave it on the shelf to rot forever.
Curse you Curses and Traitors I thought I would make it through the week without any new watches/pledges!
Yardmaster was just posted on Kickstarter. It’s described as UNO with a train theme and strategy added to it. It looks like a nice little card game for only $15…
Rahdo’s Run-through…
Coolmini has posted the rules for Dogs of War in an update. It’s not posted in their main KS page. Check it out here:
Thanks for posting this. The gaming soundtrack one looks awesome.
@Granny @Account Deletion Dogs of War had a very soft launch (not that it hasn’t funded :)) but after hijacking The Boy’s KS account to play ‘Shattered Hai’ on Sentinel Tactics I’m surprised they didn’t send out some KickNotice – but I guess Dave the Geek doesn’t translate over to Euro worker placement. A two week campaign and a whisper. Very conspiratorial to mirror the theme. Definitely work a peek.
@Account Deletion Hahaha Steal away 😛 Cool Mini Million is not always a term of endearment – especially when I am unpacking The Boy’s Zombicides and Kaosball and trying to not even hazard a guess as to how much it all cost. 😉
@Account Deletion
Yeah… it always reminds me of the thread of poison scene from You Only Live Twice (James Bond)… my first introduction to ninjas all those years ago. Caught sleeping.
@Granny – I have noticed in the Kickstarter comments that the kids call this being “ninja’d”.
@Account Deletion You beat me to it! Everyone should shoot on over there to save $5. This game looks absolutely beautiful! It’s designed by Paolo Mori who designed Augustus and Libertalia (my favorite pirate game). The art/design looks incredible.
Dogs of War on Kickstarter
For fans of “Cool Mini Millions” (sorry Hai – it’s too good not to steal), they just launched a new (albeit very different from their norm) Kickstarter for Dogs of War. There are several hundred Early Birds left, and I don’t want anybody here who’s interested to miss out!
Dear Kickstarter – please stay Cardboard Uneventful for a good month or two 🙂 It was like March Mini Madness into April Plastic Showers took my credit card and proceeded to give me a ‘Death by a Thousand Cuts’. (Besides I really need that latest Girl Genius Hardcover )
Back to Backing
Miskatonic School for Girls:Holiday Break *GLEE* and since I can get Fairy Mischief also *DOUBLE GLEE*! (Perfect for the faux nieces and the Tinkerbell obsessed yours truly 😉 )
Allegiance: A Realm Divided just looks like awesome fun to me. I’m not a Magic Spellslinger because I don’t believe in the House Rule of ‘The one who spends the most money – wins!’ on CCGs. This looks like Magic: The Accessible for the board gamer.
Conquest of Speros Meh – why not?
The Boy is reaping Among the Stars and Escape for promos and we are tourneying The Agents to see who backs for more goodies in the Fancy Box 😉
The Disembodied Ha-Eye of Watchery
Minion You look pretty. You look fun. Your price is nice. And yet I have a case of Epic Resort Syndrome .
Cultists of Cthulhu We have their Steampunk deckbuilder Professor Pugnacious which is ‘Ok+’. The campaign just seems vague and I keep thinking I see information out of the corner of my eye like a mysterious tentacle, but when I turn to look it isn’t there. 🙁
Black Forest I’m on the S.S. @Granny with this one. Need a bit more information – if it works – it will be completely cool.
Other than that – hopefully I can retain some pennies to count for Ancient Terrible Things on the retail mark-up. City of Iron is a comin’ thanks to @Account Deletion doing a jig on the ‘Deckbuilding Synapses’ in my brain skull
And if YOU have any spare change and nothing to Kick – it has been whispered in my ear that The Fairytale Games open pledge manager is ‘open’ until the end of the month with a limited but brand-spanking new batch of Big Bad Wolves and other options to get campaign miss-outs.
Lol! What else are you going to do in your bunker while waiting for the radiation to dissipate? Sounds like a new market segment to me!
“You don’t need those extra MREs. Save some shelf space for games!”
I’m in.
One more to add – I found it advertised on this site and it’s been up for a while – Survival! I’m very curious about any reviews on it and it could be a way to bring folks in the survival community to playing board games.
Now that I’m done (and working on fulfillment) with my Kickstarter, I can return to looking at others. 🙂 I backed several here: The Agents update, SuperTooth, Dig Down Dwarf, and will likely add Eggs & Empires, Linkage, & Black Forest later.
I have been following with interest Among the Stars & Westerly. As a recent first-time backer of AtS, I didn’t understand having 2 campaigns in 3 months for the same game and now, with the Stronghold games announcement, I wish I had held back. Westerly, wow, launching the 3rd attempt immediately after the 2nd turned me away. This past week lowering the price of all their games upset a lot of backers. I’m hoping some reorganization will help as it does look like fun.
I really enjoyed reading Jamey Steigmeir’s blog on how to run KS campaigns and can’t recommend it enough to others!
Still wishing I had money to get Escape big box and Among the Stars. Although it was good to hear that Stronghold games is picking up the Artipia games line for US distribution. Also I am fairly sure Jim has been doing this for many weeks now but it is good to see the kickstarters broken into categories.
I just yesterday backed Snitch and The Agents (to get what I’m missing from my earlier Kickstarter package). Nothing else really stood out to me.
Anyone else here backing Snitch?
I did Among The Stars. Nothing else really strikes my fancy right now. That’s probably good. 🙂
Hmmm…I need to hit up some campaigns to create BGdot library entries – the Top Board is looking really sparse. :p Heavy Steam should at least be up there – as they are registered…
Also backed Bullfrogs as soon as the frog meeples were locked down. Hoping it funds, because I’d like to play it with my friends’ kiddos.
Now that Sentinels Tactics and Dig Down Dwarf are in the books with spectacular finishes, all that’s left on my backer list is the aforementioned Bullfrogs, Escape Big Box, which I’m hoping just keeps breaking through stretch goals and accumulating more rooms, treasures, and curses, and Dragon Slayer — because Seven Dollars.
Here’s hoping for no more must-have Kickstarters for at least a few months. I’ve got to save up for a Gen Con trip, the next MYTH Kickstarter … oh, and a vacation to Germany this fall, which should probably rank higher on my priority list than board games. Oops!
@Account @Granny I’ve got an eyeball on Black Forest
Allegiance: A Realm Divided funded today but I hope it gets a little more love because it has Stretchy potential
I hope The Kick stays Post-Sentinels quiet for a bit – I have City of Iron coming from Amazon thanks to a gift card and @Account and @garbled’s reviews and now must delve into investigating the Ancient Terrible Things that seem to be all the rage and I took to be an Elder Signs mimic 🙁