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The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
Fantasy Flight is well known for their game components. I find the games I have from them usually have components of good material and plenty of little tokens to keep my plastic boxes busy. The Lord of the Rings LCG comes with a variety of tokens, cards, and threat counters all made of standard FFG stuff. I really like all of the components except that the cards are a bit on the thin side (many of mine came slightly bent) and the box insert could have been developed better (just a middle space to hold everything…Thunderstone where are you?).
The artwork is really where I think The Lord of the Rings LCG really shines the most. Taking it’s direction from the books instead of the movies, some of the characters (Legolas) are more in line with my original perceptions of what they looked like then they were in the movies. From the amazing color pallet of all the cards to various charming details, like how the Carrock (a future location card), can be seen in one of the Hunt for Gollums locations, add so much to the game and it’s theme.
The theme of various heroes from Lord of the Rings going on different quests is generally well presented in the quest scenarios. Their are three quests in the base game and the second quest involves going down a river. The way the cards are set up in this scenario you are going to see a lot of river locations pop up and enemies on the banks waiting for you to come ashore. In this way the theme comes across well. However, I find it odd that the theme is thrown out the window for the inclusion of well known Lord of the Rings characters. It doesn’t make sense for Aragorn, Denethor, and Eowyn to be on a quest, let alone a quest taking place before the Fellowship of the Ring. But I understand it’s a card game and FFG wants to use popular characters.
Let me get to what I like first before my semi-rant. I like how the stats are laid out for the heroes and monsters and how you have to make decisions between questing and fighting. I like that each scenario tasks you with doing different things and how many card combos work. The difficulty is also generally enjoyable to me even though at times it can be a bit too random and one sided (solo is a bit too hard on the last scenario). I also am also excited for the many more options this game will have in the future. My main problem with this game is that I really don’t like how the phase order plays out. For each round of the game there are seven phases: resource, planning, questing, traveling, encounter check, combat, and refresh. The problem is that you will be doing this each turn and when you engage a monster or monsters you will have to go back and do all of these phases again before fighting them if you did not previously destroy them.
I find this thematically wrong, as well as, a mechanic that drags the combat portion of the game down a bit. For example, say that my party fights an enemy. One hero is exhausted from traveling, one hero defends, and one hero along with an ally attacks doing one point of damage onto that enemy. After that resolves I have to go through six more phases which can take up to six or seven minutes in a two player game before I can damage that enemy again. I will also have to travel and quest again. Why are my heroes traveling and questing in the middle of a fight? Why does it seem like I am just poking at an enemy then running away to take a nap and cash in some Elven IOU’s for money so I can get some more people to poke at some more enemies? This honestly didn’t bother me at first since I saw how many of the game mechanics revolved around it, but after many plays winning and losing all the scenarios multiple times I must say that this is the single reason I don’t really feel like coming back to the game. Combat becomes a chore in micromanaging a few enemies against the encounter deck rather than an immediate life or death struggle. If they switch up the phases and mechanics to travel to a specific location then from that location having a certain amount of enemies (perhaps and enemy pile) come out that you have to fight and threat check against until they were all destroyed, then adding a set amount of progress tokens from that location to the quest I think it would have made for a better battle. I can also think of many other variations that would have made combat and questing work better, it’s just a shame that a game with so many good mechanics has one major flaw that (in my opinion) is holding it back.
All in all The Lord of the Rings LCG has a lot going for it. Great idea, great artwork, good deck drafting mechanics and combos. It just has a few major gameplay aspects that simply don’t work for me thematically or mechanically. If you like card drafting and LORT I think that this game is worth the thirty bucks you can find it for online. It gave me quite a few hours of fun and I feel like I got my money worth (though do note a lot of other people who focus more on the deck building aspect than I do have had a problem with needing to buy another core set…I really don’t think you do as I have played through and won all three scenarios in two player). I think with enough expansions this game could go up a half a point depending on how they take the game. While it would be hard to change the phase mechanics at this point I would like to see treasures, more end boss monsters, unique ways to trade with other players, and perhaps faster ways to travel through phases.