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Arkham Horror
This game isn’t for everyone, but the people who it is for love it. You play as investigators who run around the fictional town of Arkham, Massachusetts trying to gather clues and gear, avoiding or fighting strange monsters, and then traveling through dimensional gates to other worlds in order that you can close these gates and prevent an Old Evil God from consuming you and the entire planet. There is a lot going on in this game and the rules are sometimes difficult to get a handle on. There are many FAQ’s out there as well as forums that you can ask for help on in case things get real bad. Once you have a good grasp on the rules the game starts to shine. There is tons of mood and setting in this game and that part of it is great. It is unfortunate that it sort of devolves into a dice fest, but it is still an enjoyable one. Again, not for everyone, but can be a great experience for those that enjoy it.