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Gamer - Level 4
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Amateur Reviewer
Review 3 games and receive a total of 40 positive review ratings.
Review 3 games and receive a total of 40 positive review ratings.
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485 xp
485 xp
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310 xp
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120 xp
120 xp
About Me
My wife and I started out with Arkham Horror and now have a collection of over 100 games. We enjoy all styles of games but lately have really gone in for Euro and worker placement games. We are pet lovers and currently live in Madison WI.
Arkham Horror
This is the game that got me back into the hobby after a long break. It is extremely cumbersome and fiddly, takes hours to play and usually ends with all players losing. The game board is huge with tons of different card stacks and tokens to manage. Add in a few expansions and Arkham Horror will devour even the largest table. Events are drawn randomly and resolved with dice. Even your most cunningly executed plan can go out the window with the roll of a die or an unlucky draw. After saying all that the most important thing I can say about Arkham Horror is I LOVE THIS GAME!
Where Arkham Horror really shines is the tension created by the escalating threat of the slowly awakening Old One. This game requires cooperation and planning in order to be successful. Some of the best moments are when you collectively pauses to look at the big picture and realize your chances of winning are nearly hopeless. Often I find our losing games to be more enjoyable than the wins. Nothing is better than pulling off a victory when defeat was almost certain. This game is at its best when everyone is scrambling around frantically trying just to stay alive.
The rules can be difficult to learn for a first timer. It helps a lot to have at least one experienced player around to help run the table and answer questions on the rules. Be careful not to let a single player take command of the entire group. Nothing saps the fun from this game as much as one person dominating the decision making. Experienced players should give advice but try to avoid making decisions for newer players. The theme is really strong and Arkham Horror can be played as sort of a light RPG if your group enjoys role playing.
Regarding expansions: Read the reviews and get the ones that you find most appealing. I’d recommend King in Yellow. You don’t need them all just introduce a new one now and then if things are getting stale.