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A Touch of Evil
This is an Arkham-Horror-esque style board game that is heavy on story, scary, and pieces. Game can be played co-operatively or competitively. Setting is American Colonial, which is nice and fresh.
The board itself is fairly minimalist on decoration and the un-painted minis make it difficult to identify characters. However, otherwise, Flying Frog is a small company that makes quality games. We love the great cardstock they use. The costumed actors that pose for the scenes in the game play cards are often repeated throughout their various board games. Also, there are themes, characters, and organizations which are repeated in their games (such as the Order of the Crimson Hand).
The rules are many and intense but solid and balanced. This is not the game you pull out for your co-worker who is a casual Uno player.
Check out their other games too: Last Night on Earth and Fortune and Glory, Invasion from Outer Space.