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Just a casual gamer who has recently started a humble collection. I love fantasy and science fiction, so my games reflect this - notably Relic, Zombies!!!, Talisman, Ankh-Morpek, Boss Monster, Magic the Gathering and Mage Knight.
Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013
I’m new to Magic (the actual game) and as such have found the rules confusing at times. This digital version is great for learning the mechanics and, as stated by some of the other reviewers, has some well themed decks.
There are several modes available, but I mostly play custom games against the AI. Upon winning a game cards are unlocked for the deck you choose to play with – therefore you increase the options available for each deck.
All in it’s a pretty good App to have on a tablet – although I would like the cards to appear larger when they’re laid (I have to keep zooming in on them to see what they say) – although this could be a symptom of playing on a small screen tablet with a high resolution (Nexus 7).
This game would be amazing if the deck building was open to any cards you cared to have – you could then build and test decks before investing in the purchase of real decks to find they’re sub-optimal.
If you’re new to Magic – get the this and learn the game in the best way – by playing.
If you’re a veteran Magic player you’ll be disappointed with the limited deck building options.