gamer level 3
1139 xp
1139 xp
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Player Stats
Critic (lvl 1)
170 xp
170 xp
Explorer (lvl 1)
106 xp
106 xp
Professor (lvl 0)
50 xp
50 xp
Reporter (lvl 1)
161 xp
161 xp
About Me
Pathfinder, Tokaido, AD&D, Arkham Horror, Wiz-Wars, Alternity, Mutants And Masterminds, Once Upon A Time
I started playing Role Playing Games in the 80's with FASA products and moved to Palladium games in the early 90's. over the years I played many RPG's most of which are kind of out of date now. I started getting into board games a couple years ago with Arkham Horror.
Many board games with creative fantasy themes can get to be complex. They can be difficult to learn and can turn off the casual player. Talisman is not this way. The game mechanics are simple. It is easy to learn. It is also easy to teach people who are not hard core gamers. It is a good game for people who are not as experienced in table top gaming.
With simple fast moving mechanics and a fun setting and beautiful art I suggest Talisman to anyone who is not looking for a commitment when it comes to a board game. Even experienced gamers will have fun running around the board exploring all the fun stuff. It is easy to get lost in just wondering around and forgetting to actually try to win the game.