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Go to the Carcassonne: King and Scout page
71 out of 88 gamers thought this was helpful

This mini-expansion add some new tile for Carcassonne and a couple new rules for the biggest castle and the longest road.
You can apply the rules without buying the expansion. For Carcassonne collectors only.

Go to the Dust Tactics page

Dust Tactics

50 out of 76 gamers thought this was helpful

If you expect to fin anything new in Dust Tactics, well, you won’t.
If just mixes rules and ideas from a lot of miniature games, there’s nothing original or surprising.
The price is very high, and, even if components are really good (but not better than AT-43, to make an example), the game is not worth it. It’s boring and very random, and some rule is plain bugged.
Also, the rulebook is often messy and unclear.

Go to the Blokus page


35 out of 71 gamers thought this was helpful

Blokus is an abstract game that is incredibly easy to teach and learn, but it requires skill and attention to play.
Components are really good and the game is very fun to play, for every kind of player and every age.

Go to the Carcassonne: The Princess and the Dragon page
51 out of 68 gamers thought this was helpful

Princess and Dragon is suited for players who want to play a somewhat “lighter” version of Carcassonne: having the dragon flying around and munching meeples assures some laugh and interesting moves.
Suggested for 5+ players games, and not for “too serious” gamers.

Go to the Dominion: Alchemy page

Dominion: Alchemy

43 out of 69 gamers thought this was helpful

Tried this expansion some times, and I think it’s quite an useless one. Most cards that require Alchemy aren’t just worth buying. I always won sticking to “classic” cards.
Adding types of cost to Dominion is pretty much complicating something that doesn’t need it.
If you are thinking about buying a Dominion expansion, just forget about this one and get Cornucopia or Intrigue instead.

Go to the Ad Astra page

Ad Astra

20 out of 28 gamers thought this was helpful

Ad Astra is a resource managing game in which every player has to explore the galaxy to find new planets, obtain resources from them, and building different types of buildings, that will have different effects such as gaining victory points, more resources, and so on.
Quite similar to Settlers of Catan in its premises, I prefer this one because the (excessive) luck factor in Catan is almost completely removed: every action and resource production from planets is planned by all players in precise order, so everyone will exactly know when and what his planets will produce.
Very nice components, games are shorter than Catan (about 1 hr), and nice theme with great art.

Go to the Small World: Necromancer Island page
69 out of 79 gamers thought this was helpful

Necromancer Island adds a new, interesting role inside Small World games. One player will have to use his undead army to gain even more soldiers, land, powers and gold. It can be quite difficult, and maybe frustrating, playing as the Necromancer, especially if you get a bad choice of powers to choose from at the beginning of the game, but the games can turn very interesting nonetheless.
Suggested for experienced Small World players who enjoy some changes from time to time.

Go to the Small World page

Small World

28 out of 78 gamers thought this was helpful

This game is never boring, it always requests the skill to adapt strategy to the infinite combinations of races/powers that you can find.
I played it a lot and I’ll do again in the future!

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