T. C. Petty III
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Designer of VivaJava: The Coffee Game, player of all things euro, jack of all trades, devourer of worlds...
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Zombie Dice
In the long-evolving Steve Jackson tradition of pandering to geekdom’s most base interests, Zombie Dice is the combination of two words that will sell games. 13 custom dice in a cardboard tube. It is a simple, but somewhat confusing to explain, little press-your-luck, dice-rolling game with a pasted-on theme.
You like dice. You like zombies. You like game. And in all honesty, the game doesn’t disappoint a gamer that is looking for a fun way to determine the start player in another game. While not as good as “shock roulette,” trying to eat brains for five minutes is an okay ice-breaker before that big game of Die Macher. There’s a little bit of excitement to be found; some statistical analysis.
So, even though the game is “roll three dice, don’t get three shotgun blasts,” it’s okay enough. One of the downsides is that even though there are 13 dice, you really only roll three at a time. Lame. And the plastic portions of the tube are easily removed, so while it appears portable, without superglue you may find your dice scattered throughout your gym-bag.
Overall, if you bought this game and didn’t expect what you received then you might want to find a new hobby. It’s bland, with some moderate but fleeting tension, but it was specifically designed that way. Marginally better than a rock-paper-scissors tournament to decide start player.