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Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Starter Set
Everyone loves Star Wars, well most anyway. I am not exception. I finally picked up the starter kit for X-Wing miniatures. The game is super easy to learn and ready to rock straight out of the box. The game mechanics are pretty simple, seek and destroy (Metallica is now playing in your head). The game comes with cardboard flight paths for your ships to move. It has another cardboard piece to measure the strength of your attack. Simple 3-sided dice that give you defense or attack options. Even the game data provided on the pilot and augment cards is easy to understand and follow. The makes are painted well and between my friend and myself both our starters came with all ships in perfect condition. Your game goes relatively fast and again, it is easy. Lots of fun and looking forward to adding other ships like the Falcon and Slave 1 among the many available and planned. This is making me fall more in-love with Fantasy Flight (getting the Star Wars RPG next).
So why did I give only 4 stars on replay value? It is almost to easy. I know that sounds absurd, but it really is. We found ourselves almost bored after a handful of games (could have been the Sam Adams). Secondly (this is also the reason I gave 4 stars for components) this is probably the most expensive pre-painted miniatures game I have seen. They are of great quality, I don’t deny that. Expansions are not cheap. They are nearly the same cost as a starter, and just for one ship (starter comes with 2 ties and one X-wing). I am not broke, but I am frugal (as frugal as a gamer can be). I like to feel like you get a great game for the price. The starter isn’t to bad. The additional ships should be at least $5 less, $10 would be better.
Finally, I love Star Wars. If you do, you will love this game, your wallet won’t.