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Love Letter
In the game Love Letter, each player is a suitor who is trying to woo the heart of Princess Annette. After her mother’s arrest, being filled with pain and grief, she locks herself within the palace walls. Each night (round) she will receive a letter from a suitor. The more letters that she receives from you, the more she’ll be captivated by your words, as you will then win her heart.
Love Letter is a fast and easy game that contains only 16 cards (which makes it super easy to shuffle after each round). Each card has their own special affect that can either help or hurt you. The object of the game is to remain at the end of each round. To do so, you would try to knock your opponents out before they knock you. If more than one person remains after each round (when there’s no more cards to draw) then the person who has the highest ranking number on their card will win the affection of Princess Annette.
Overall, this is a very simple game to pick up and learn. I think the artwork is very well done. I’ve only played this game with one other person and am not to sure how it plays out with three or four, but I’m sure that it’s much better. I highly recommend sleeving up your cards as you and your friends will be playing multiple rounds and games. Not that the quality of the cards are bad (by the way, I love the quality of the box that it comes in!), but just in case you like your cards nice and clean and scuff mark free. Plus, since this is a bluffing and deduction game, you don’t want your opponents to know what card(s) you have in your hand base upon the scuff marks.
Try it out and see if you can win the heart of Princess Annette.