Marin Solter
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I like playing fantasy board games. I play with my friends, family, everyone. Not on the site at all times, since I am busy with my studies and ect.
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Small World: Be Not Afraid
This expansion is totally worth the money, and time.
First of all, you receive 5 new races and 5 new tokens. And why does this help your playing?. Because by playing these will increase your chance of winning.
You get the Homonculi. A mystical, alien-like creature in a slime tank. You receive and extra token when you pick them each time they are bypassed in the choosing your races phase.
Then there are my personal favorite: Pixies.
You get eleven of these when starting a game, although when it is redeployment time, you have to keep all of your Pixies off the board except the one that stays on the region.
Pygmies, the scary looking tribe has the ability to roll a die each time you lose a Pygmie token. For each of the dots on the die displayed, you take that much Pygmie tokens.
The ruthless, but surprisingly strange art race: The Barbarians. They are not that useful, they cannot redeploy their troops at the end of each turn.
And lastly, the Leprechauns. After you conquer a region you may optionally chose to put a Pot of Gold to that region. After each turn, the region with the Pot of Gold gets one extra victory coin. However, if someone else conquers that region with the Pot of Gold, they receive it and may use it for their good.
Now that are some interesting characters right?
Moving on to the special powers.
Barricade allows you to collect three bonus coins your barricade troops occupy four regions.
Catapult, as its name states, may catapult you to a region that is one region away (but no adjacent) and conquer it for one token less, until the end of the turn, it is immune towards any enemy conquer attempt.
Corrupt gives you one more coin after you conquer your own region, so there is basically no point of it, unless you look at it from the other perspective.
Imperial. For each region in excess of 3, which your Imperial troops occupy at the end of the turn, collect one bonus coin.
And finally, Mercenary. Each time you conquer a region, you may spend one victory coin to reduce the number of tokens you need to conquer it by 2.
Overall, this expansion clearly expands the game, makes it more interesting to play, and raises your chance to win.