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43 out of 63 gamers thought this was helpful

Less a game and more of a storytelling experience on a board, in this game you will experience a large array of fantastic adventures set in Arabia. Strategic decisions are few and far between — most decisions are simply two different actions in the story, with a seemingly random result. However, if you just want to immerse yourself in theme and experience a great story you can help drive, this is an amazing game. On the other hand, if you are looking for more, skip this game. I hesitate to call this a game; think of it more as a storytelling experience.

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Cosmic Encounter

57 out of 87 gamers thought this was helpful

The goal is to take bases on opponents planets, and the (moderately) simple rules are soon broken with a never-ending plethora of rule-breaking special power that each player has. The large number of different races and powers ensures that no two games are the same. Plenty of teamwork and backstabbing make the journey much greater than the destination. At the end of this game, you will find yourself not caring who won, instead enjoying playing more than finishing.

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