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Red November
Some reviews out there are very harsh towards that game, let’s just start by saying this game isn’t for everyone. It is light and to be taken lightly, if you’re looking for a challenging, strategic coop game where you know if you blow up every veins in your brain you’ll have a better chance of beating the game. It’s not one of these. Even with a team of mathematician if the cards aren’t in the mood and the planets aren’t aligned your very likely to get pounded like the weird red-headed kid on first day of school. No seriously, that’s one of the things you need to enjoy about that game before even thinking of appreciating your time with it. Enjoy the crazy grog-intoxicared time of desperation where everything is either on fire or flooded, while avoiding a choking out of oxygen and surviving a kraken attack and to make matters worst after one of your friend bolted on you to same is gnomish ***. That’s another rule that haven’t got unanimity among gamers. I actually like that rule. Again playing with the right players that are aware of what they are getting into and are in for an non-serious light game, you’ll in for a blast.
Be aware, there are some confusions in the rules. The second edition of the game (the bigger box)supposedly addressed theses issues.
Nonetheless it’s a nice game to have and have a laugh at.