gamer level 4
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2969 xp
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125 xp
About Me
I currently live in South Korea. Due to the langugae barrier I am mostly playing Power Grid, Carcassone, and Settlers of Catan. Any Euro game I can mostly make work. I also have Chrononauts, but I mostly get to play that with other Ex-pats.
Before I moved here I was part of a weekly board game meetup for 4 years. I really enjoyed Twilight Struggle, Dominant Species, Munchkin, and Tales of Arabian Nights. Rail games are also a favorite of mine.
Feel free to pity me and send me a game or three.;)
In all seriousness however, I do have slim pickings here. :(
Twilight Struggle
I opened the heafty compact box and discovered that there was seemingly one cardboard chit for each breathing man, woman, and child living in America in 1945. After punching chits and watching the entirety of Lord of the Rings on laser disc; I dove into the rulebook. The instructions read like the instruction booklet for putting together an Ikea Store. There were numbers everywhere with every single sentence color coordinated so that rules earlier or later in the rulebook can be cross-refered. Luckily, this is not my first “war” game (I own Twilight Imperium)so I was familiar with how this goes…
After surveying the map and cross checking the rules for the third time (while I got my tires vulcanated), I took on the side of the free world, while the tire store employee readied the Red Threat. After this first game, I was tempted to call the game “Twilight Imperium Struggle” because of its length. That first game took us almost 4 hours, and we only made it to round 6.
Casting aside from the thick, scary, cross-indexed, Nuremburg bible of a rulebook, the gameplay, the concept, and particularly the theme of Twilight Struggle are wonderfully orchestrated.
The game begins just after World War II. Germany is split between the Red (USSR) and Blue(US). The game is broken into ten rounds, each representing a short span of time in the Cold War between 1945 and 1989. The goal of the game is to spread enough of your influence throughout the world to become the reigning superpower by the end of round 10.
Each player spreads their influence and change their standings (positively or negatively) or their opponents (positively or negatively)in the world by playing cards that are drawn each round. Every card contains a number and which side benefits from the event listed on the card.
Ops Points are used to Influence a country for control.
These rolls are used to reduce the amount of Influence an opponent has in a country or what blow back (bad dice roll) happens and the possibility of giving the opponent control.
In a coup, a player uses Ops Points to boost a die roll in an effort to use military force to take control of a country. Attempting coups on “battleground” countries will cause the Defcon level to drop.
When played, the effect on the game is tied thematically to the event on the card.
Mixed in amongst the Event cards are Scoring cards which (surprisingly)force players to tally up controlled countries in a certain region and determine scores.
A rare 2 player only game. Twilight Struggle is HIGHLY thematic.
This isn’t a party game, or even a game for the average board game fan. This game is long and intense. I recommend it for any power gamer as a must have. The satisfaction you have after finishing this game (win or lose) is immense.
If you are down for a long read and a long game I highly suggest Twilight Struggle.