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Power Grid
I wasn’t expecting this game to be as fun as it is. I also wasn’t expecting my 2 sons 12 and 8 who never agree on anything to both instantly fall in love with Power Grid. Despite the age recommendation from the manufacturer, this game is easy to play with ages 8 and up.
The only problem is that the instructions are a bit daunting and mis-worded (bad translation?) in a couple of places. There are lots of pieces, but simple and easy to replace or substitute if needed. The 2 sided board (USA and Germany) is nice to keep it fresh. The hand drawn style of the cards is well done and the overall feel of the game is comfortable and not too messy. However it will take up your full dining room table.
Game play just feels right, not too long or short. We often want to play again right after a game!
My favorite thing about the game is how it mimics the real world problems of limited resources. I love how the developer managed to incorporate that element.