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A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (2ed)
I had a great time playing with my group that gets together every week! First, I’ll start off with the board itself and all the cards, tokens, etc. The board is truly a piece of art, same with the cards of the game! It’s really nice to get a board game that looks amazing instead of looking like a it was just thrown together! Really love the quality of every piece included in the game!
There is a pretty steep learning curve at first that is very time consuming. The play isn’t difficult once learned but it’s definitely a lot to get through before you can start playing. I like that there isn’t any dice thus, this game is more about strategy then luck!
In the game you choose a house (certain houses aren’t used depending on how many players) and then try to obtain 7 victory points or have the most victory points by the end of the game (10 rounds). I won’t go into complete detail cause that would take a lot of space up. Basically you take over areas on the map and depending on what you take over helps you in different ways. I like that they incorporated sea and ships that way it aids you in traveling far distances pretty easily if you control multiple connected sea areas.
To me it seems the replay value will be down a little because the event deck sizes are so small, you’ll see the same cards every game. I’m not too worried about that but I know that could be a concern to others.
Overall I really like this game and would recommend it to any GOT fans that also enjoys strategy games!