It's the classic race to get rid of all your cards by matching colors and numbers. When you're down to your last card, don't forget to yell "UNO!"
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“Engage those enemy fighters!” “Slay that Dragon!” “Sink that enemy ship!” “Find that treasure!” “Become the wealthiest man in town!” “Save the world!” or… play a card with a number or color that matches… hhhmm….
The gist of the game:
Be the first player to get rid of all the cards in your hand. This can be easy or hard depending on the luck of what the other players do to you. Game play goes around the table with a person playing a card to match the number or color of the card previously played. There are also special cards that change the order of play, make people draw cards, or get skipped. And yes… don’t forget to yell “Uno” when you have one card left… or you are CHEATING!
Replay Value:
Replay value here is just about as good as Nirvana’s Nevermind: meaning it is good for nostalgia’s sake or to deal with people who haven’t discovered the wide world of gaming.
What can be said here? Cards, yup. I give it a lower rating here for the simple fact that there is no pretty art or anything else interesting about the way the game looks.
Easy to Learn:
The rules to Uno are very easy to learn. This is truly a game for all ages. (Yeah I copied this from my Risk review, so sue me)
2-10 players Probably the best thing about this game. How many games out there can support 10 players realistically or by the rules? 7+ Age They nailed the age category pretty well. You could probably even play a slow game with a younger kid to teach them colors and number recognition. 20 minutes Definitely variable based on the number of drinks and the number of players.
Uno is a fun game. I still give it a lower score in comparison to all the other games out there. I can’t really fault the makers of Uno or people that like to play Uno. As an Avid Gamer though, I can’t really rank it up there with the games I really love.
After playing about 40 games of Uno with my nephew over the past Thanksgiving weekend, I can honestly say this is not my favorite game, nor is it my first, or even second or third, choice for a game.
What I Dislike
The skill:chance ratio for Uno is about 20:80, which doesn’t explain why my 5-year-old nephew is able to demolish me at this game. While embarrassing in the extreme, I am also able to recognize that I undervalue the small room for strategy in the hands, where my nephew is able to see and maximize how cards can flow in a certain order. When he wins, he enjoys replaying his hand to show how well he laid his cards to get rid of them; when he loses, he insists on playing the rest of his hand to see how quickly he could have been rid of them. He gets it. Sometimes I miss it.
What I Like
Where others may consider the utter simplicity of this game to be a negative, I find it a relaxing break from other games with higher strategy. Rather than constantly discussing the rules or narrating turns, my nephew and I could talk about all kinds of things while we were playing. Most of all, I love that this game makes my nephew feel like a champ. Any time he wants to play more games, and feels successful at games, I’m thrilled. He beats me more times than I care to admit to, and I have never loved losing more.
This is a game for casual, social, and, probably most of all, family gamers. Power and strategy gamers have probably already figured out to avoid this game. Avid gamers could probably go either way: while thrilled just to be playing something with their friends and family (this is, after all, probably the number one gateway game out there), they probably also want to move pretty quickly on to something else.
Uno is a fast playing easy to learn game. There is not a lot of depth here but it is a great game to play with the kids. They will often ask to play it.
The special action cards add a bit of take that. Everyone loves to slap a draw two down on their neighbour. It is even sweeter when you reverse the direction of the game just to be able to take down someone that is about to win with a draw four to their face. And skipping a player who is on their last card is also fun. But probably the best moment this game has to offer and it does not happen to often is when someone foolishly forgets to say UNO! and then without even playing a card you can force them to pick up two.
This probably is not a game for “serious gamers” even as a filler because there are far better alternatives. I will play it with the kiddies grudgingly. I recommend Archaeology over this, the kids will love that too.
What’s wrong with all the stodgy gamers who hate on this game? I agree that Monopoly is pretty terrible, but Uno is classic fun the whole family can enjoy.
It’s cheap.
It’s easy to take on a trip.
You can get it anywhere.
Almost everyone knows how to play, and if they don’t, you tach them in 30 seconds or less.
It’s brainless, but there are tactical maneuvers. Reverse, reverse!
It’s nostalgiac. Come on! Who doesn’t have a good memory or two about this game?
Do I have to go over the rules? You try to get rid of your cards by throwing into the discard pile if you have a matching number or color. When you get down to one card, you are supposed to yell UNO before anyone else does. In the meantime you get to give people Draw 2 or the dreaded Draw 4 cards to make their life a living ****.
What can you say about Uno? It’s been around for years and years, most people can remember playing it as kids at some point or another, and it still works as a quick and easy family game that provides a decent amount of fun. Although it won’t make the top 10 for most gamers, when you consider what it’s meant to be (see first sentence), it’s a pretty good game.
One of the best things about Uno is the ease of teaching the game, particularly to kids. Even if the player can’t read, they can still quickly get the hang of playing and have fun. It’s also an excellent game to reinforce color and number recognition for younger (preschool) players. And it’s a nice introduction to a “gotcha” type of game, with it’s many opportunities to sabotage the other players. As a family, we have had many heated Uno games where fortunes can turn at the drop of a hat (or a draw 4 :).
Uno is also very portable and great to take on trips. It can be played anywhere and only needs a small amount of flat surface. There are multiple varieties of house rules that also add to the game’s replayability.
Overall, Uno isn’t necessarily a great game, and it’s definitely not one that most gaming groups will cheer for if you pull it out, but it works well as a family game that can be played quickly. The large amount of player interaction, simple rules, and fast, fun gameplay are reasons that this game is a staple for familes everywhere.
I’ve been playing Uno since I can remember. It’s easy to learn so that makes it good to play with kids and games can go quickly on occasion. I remember having so much fun playing this when I was little but since I’ve been playing it with the family lately I’ve come to the conclusion that I absolutely hate this game.
The premise is easy enough; match like numbers or like colors and use special cards on other players all in an attempt to use all your cards before everyone else. The problem comes in with the randomness of card draws coupled with how plentiful forced draws from other players are there’s not much in the way of a winning strategy. It just devolves into a game of screw the other players more than they screw you and hope no one remembers to call you out if you forget to yell “UNO!” when you have one card left.
I guess I’ve become jaded after years of RPGs and more complex card games but this is not a game I choose to play but one I play to make other people happy.
Some games are more popular than others. Take Monopoly, for instance. It’s not a good game, but everyone know it and – unfortunately – buys it. Uno is one of those games. It doesn’t deserve to be so popular. However, there is a reason to it.
Bring a kid along, and you’ve got yourself a chance to experience real joy. The ability to punish other players, or even skip their turn can be really amusing for smaller kins. And then there’s the collecting bit, where you try to get more of the same color, just so you alone can play those cards. And when you change the color – oh man! That can be interesting.
Personally I don’t care much for the game. But if a kid asks me to play, I will. If an adult asks me, there must be really nothing else to attend to for me to say yes.
I used to play Uno with my dad when I was young, and we always enjoyed it. These days, everyone is looking for more depth, more strategy, and while that is fine, there can still be a place for games like Uno in a family collection.
My wife prefers Skip-Bo, but none of us will turn down a game of Uno. The cards are easy to identify and read, the rules/gameplay simple enough to use as an introduction to card games for kids (and hey, it’s a lot more fun than slapjack, Old Maid, and Go Fish…lol).
I probably won’t ever suggest a game of Uno on an adult game night, but I do still break it out every now and then to play with the younger kids.
I’m rating it a 7/10 because for the right crowd, it’s still a good game. Even after moving on to other similar styled games, I’m able to go back and play it at the suggestion of others and not mind.
Intro: Simply put, this is a basic game and a good introduction to card games for younger family members. Despite this, it still remains a household favorite for its simplicity, and often competitive nature.
Replay Value: While this game might seem like it has very limited replay value, it will still manage to find its way to the table purely through its simplicity to play. You can quickly get a table full of people to play in a matter of seconds.
Difficulty: This is a very simple game with a short learning curve. This game can be taught and mastered within minutes. Having said that, once you have a grasp on the game, you can become aggressive and also created allegiances. This adds to the overall quality of the game through the competitiveness and the banter involved.
Conclusion: A great yet simple game for all ages with a tiny learning curve but the possibility of a competitive and often hilarious outcome. Make allegiances and destroy friendships with this simple card matching game!
Uno is a card game in which the cards have numbers and colors. The goal of the game is to get rid of all the cards in your hand by playing them, one at a time, on your turn.
It’s sort of the inverse of a trick-taking game: You can only lay your card down if it matches the number or color of the card that’s already down, or if it’s one of a couple different Wild cards. If you can’t lay a card down you have to take one from the deck. Once you are down to one card in hand you say “Uno” out loud and then, I suppose, people will try to saddle you with extra cards.
Comparing it to Fluxx, which is another card game accommodating large numbers of players with very light rules:
It doesn’t quite have the novelty. As others have said, you could almost play this with a regular deck of cards. With a couple house rules, you could *exactly* play this with regular cards. You can’t do that with Fluxx, which has its adorable fluffy artwork and dynamic rule system.
It doesn’t accommodate people coming in and leaving as easily. The redeeming quality of Fluxx, in my opinion, is that it accommodates players dropping out & coming in. Uno doesn’t do that.
It does, however, reward careful play, unlike Fluxx. If you handle your cards carefully (and the game is not too huge), you can push things in a direction so that you’ll have a good chance of being able to win.
Which is a good thing.
Still, it feels like a card game, along the lines of Crazy 8’s or Go Fish. If that’s not for you, skip this one. There’s just not much to it.
This game has been around for a while. Match the color or number just played. Get rid of all your cards first but don’t forget to say UNO when you play your next to last card or you will have to add more cards to your hand. Easy to learn and a good game to play with younger players. There are additional special cards that have game effects like wilds, reversing the flow of play or forcing the next player to draw extra cards for their hand so I recommend about 9 or above for the kids but use your own judgement.
What is that place you may ask? I know, with such a basic game it’s hard to see. But the place for this simply card game is around the table with the family. Especially with the kids, grand kids, and the nephews and nieces. A tradition of Uno can lead to more complex games with the young ones when the families come together.
The game is simple, playing cards from your hand matching colors or number until you can scream “UNO!” and then be the first to play your final card. Throw in a few twist and turns here, a reverse there and a skip here and you have yourself a few golden minutes with the little ones a hopefully a few teachable moments as well.
Playing nice, loosing with a smile, patience, and taking turns are all easy lessons to learn and teach in this very basic card game. Don’t forget colors and numbers as well!
Easy to find and cheap to own or even give as a stocking stuffer. Take the time to sit down and create a moment with a simple game and find those teachable moments for your little ones.
Have you ever met anyone over the age of say, 12, who didn’t know how to play Uno? It’s a game, like Life or Monopoly, most people played in their childhood. Uno is very easy to learn, and it’s harmless enough for even young children. It has a mechanic that I dislike in games – the “screw you” play. Too often, a player gets his hand down to one or two cards, and his opponent drops a “Draw Four” card. That makes the game go on too long, and it is wildly unpredictable. Strategy is almost non existent in Uno, since no amount of plotting or planning can predict the “Draw Four” or color changing “Wild” card.
There are gamers (and people in general) who love the idea of smashing their opponents. They strive to win, and to do so overwhelmingly. Oftentimes, Uno forces this action. Each player has an equal chance of getting a “Draw Four” card which must be played eventually. Something inside me just doesn’t like the punitive actions in games like Uno or Sorry. I guess it is just the way I am wired. I don’t like to punish or be punished while engaged in board or card games. And although I won’t be disappointed if I never play it again, Uno is a 44 year old game that will probably be around for decades more. It is inexpensive and available practically anywhere.
I can always get my whole family to play this including my 3 year old. It’s great to learning colors, numbers, taking turns, following rules and thinking though directions (Who’s next on a skip or reverse card?). We play with our hands face up on the table so we can assist them if they need it. My older son (5) has started to think strategy and tries to play cards knowing the next person won’t have it and will have to draw. Granted this game will probably bore the adult crowd but if you are looking for a quick time-killer with toddlers, get the UNO! Bonus: Easily fits in any diaper/picnic bag.
Uno is a simplistic game where you are trying to get rid of all cards in your hand. You play cards by matching value or color of the last card played. You can also play wild cards to change the suit. Additional cards skip the next player’s turn, force the next player to draw two or four cards, or reverse the direction of play.
This ganme includes minimal strategy. It is a good game for kids, family, or non-gamers, but for most gamers, Uno offers little and will not entertain for very long.
Uno is mindless fun. The game is quite simple –get rid of your cards before your opponents can do the same. You must either follow the number played or the color played, and there are other cards (wild, “Draw 2” etc.) that add some complexity to the mix. There are very few difficult decisions and some mild strategy makes this a good kids game.
The problem is that it can get bogged down when everyone “picks on the leader” by playing “skip a turn” and “draw 2” cards on the player who is about to win. The scoring is straight-forward and there are a number of ways to speed up the game, if you feel its necessary.
I’d rather play almost anything else, but it is good with kids or at lunch with co-workers. Play this to enjoy time with friends and family, and if you don’t consider it a serious “game” you can enjoy it.
What’s there left to say about Uno? It’s a great game to sit down and play with your family. It’s simple, addictive and fun. Especially when you start Skipping someone relentlessly. 😉 Make sure you actually read the rules though, as people have been playing with their own version of the rules that they “thought that’s how it was played” for so many years that a special edition of the game was released called Uno: House Rules. 🙂
UNO is a classic card game this is easy to learn and easy to play. There isn’t much depth to it, and it is very random. This game is more well suited for younger players and can sometimes make a good time killer with them.
In this game, you try to be the first person to go out. Each player tries to discard cards of the same color unless they have a card that change the color. There is lots of cards that skip people, reverse turn order, change the discard color, and make players draw two or four cards. So, you might be thinking you’re about to win, then someone skips you or makes you draw more, etc.
It’s a fun little game.
It’s hard to go wrong with Uno as a fallback when no-one can agree on a game to play or mental exhaustion has kicked in and you need something you can play with muscle memory and a limited amount of concentration.
Pace is fast, so you might not be able to sustain a conversation while playing, but play is simple so its an excellent game to keep in the car and pull out at coffee shops when the mood strikes you.
Nowadays you can get Uno in many style variants – Simpsons, Mario Bros., etc., but gameplay remains the same. I daresay you could pull out a deck in a cafe in France, Nigeria, or Uzbekistan and find players nearby.
Consisting solely of a deck of cards, its the ultimate portable game.
I can’t imagine there are too many people in the US who haven’t played UNO. I know many people play it incorrectly, playing a green 7 on a yellow 7, even though they have other yellow cards. Check the rules – unless they’ve revised them, you’re supposed to follow color first, then number.
No matter. House rules. In most cases, house rules make it more interesting, e.g. the Draw 2s Stack rule.