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Time Well Spent - Games
Click on the hourglass 100 times that appears when you are browsing Game pages. learn more >
Click on the hourglass 100 times that appears when you are browsing Game pages. learn more >

I Got What I Wanted
Add a game to your Owned list that was previously in your Wish list.
Add a game to your Owned list that was previously in your Wish list.

Explorer - Level 3
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!
Earn Explorer XP to level up by completing Explorer Quests!

I'm a Real Player!
Claim that you have played a game today by clicking the "Played Today!" button on a game page 25 times.
Claim that you have played a game today by clicking the "Played Today!" button on a game page 25 times.
Elder Sign
Another way to increase the difficulty on an otherwise way too easy game (works at least in 2 player games):
– Ancient one is randomly picked
– Investigators are randomly picked
– All investigators are “hc characters”: You only get that one investigator per game. If either or one of you dies, you all lose.
The game is way too hard to lose if you can browse through every investigator available when the previous one is devoured. This way there is an actual “fear” of losing. Might also make the game a bit longer if you fail a lot of adventures.