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Smash Up
When my husband bought Smash Up I let out a huge sigh. Me and deck-building types of games do NOT get along. I like to play them, but I am horrible at them. Since he was so excited I dug in and wouldn’t you know it? This game was awesome!
I love being able to choose what factions I want to play with and there are so many different options that the game doesn’t tend to get boring. I also like that you can play 2 players as well as up to 4 players (and more if you get some expansions).
The factions are varied enough that every playing style is represented. My brother-in-law loves to play with the Zombies or Robots because they allow you to play multiple minions a turn. My husband likes to play with the Pirates because he can move them around and some of the minions aren’t discarded after the bases score, just moved. I like to play with the Tricksters and Dinosaurs because the Dinos have a lot of power and the Tricksters actions are sneaky and hilarious.
The game time is just long enough that you feel like you had enough time to play, but not so long that you basically just want someone to win so you can stop playing.
It’s not a hard game to learn or score either. It has definitely become one of our go to games.