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Escape: The Curse of the Temple
This is such a great game for people who are not board-gamers, and still tons of fun for people who are more serious. I absolutely love this game. I’m not letting it break into the 9s because it lacks a good scale of complexity and difficulty, but it is so much fun for beginners.
You start in a central room in a cursed temple and have 10 minutes to escape. You are constantly rolling dice to try to take actions in order to explore rooms, activate gems, and complete other actions. It is tons of fun and insanely wild. Everyone is just frantically rolling their dice to try to accomplish their objectives, then someone gets stuck and you need to rush to rescue them. SO MUCH FUN!
It is not complex. There are very few rules to master, and there is almost no grand strategic thinking. Just think about it like this:
You are dashing archaeologists. You have found some rare wonder in a hidden temple and you (in typical western imperialist fashion) callously remove it in order to add it to the collection of your local university that will ensure you get tenure. Upon stealing the wonder, the temple begins to groan, and you have ten minutes to escape. Are you going to spend 20 minutes min-maxing your possible strategies? **** no. You’re going to run as fast as you can, seeking to get whatever you need as frantically as possible in order to escape.
That’s how this game plays out. Tons of fun.