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Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Game
I must preface this review with a little fact about my son. He’s 12 and he thinks of himself as a great gamer. Unfortunately, when we break out deeper games, he loses focus and gets bored. This often leads to an “epic loss” (in his words)…and on to the review…
Our family has taken well to deck building games, so this game quickly hit the wish list of my 12yo this past Christmas (2012). Using money from multiple gift sources (the price for this game is not for the weak!), he decided to purchase it. For the record, he has NOT been disappointed. I know that others say setup is a con of this game; but from the perspective of a 12yo, he gets to “play” (don’t tell him I called it that) with some cards with beautiful artwork as he sets them up. In his mind, randomizing the decks is part of the game. Once the game is set up, he calls the rest of us in to play and the fun continues. The mechanics are easy to learn and the replayability is high because of the random setup. As a family game, it’s a hit!