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I am up for just about any game at just about any time. However, I do have to fit work, family, and fitness in there somewhere.
I had played Citadels some time ago, and out of some sense of forgetfulness decided to play it again yesterday. I went into the game with a vague memory of not being able to figure out if I liked it or not. Yesterday I came away leaning a bit more toward the “not.”
While I do enjoy winning a game, I don’t have to win to enjoy it. If I can plan and plot and manipulate to the best of my ability and still do not win, that is okay.
I think my main problem with Citadels is that there is not a single element of the game that is really within your control. Try to aim for a particular role, and that role might not be available. Try to flesh out your city with different types of buildings and you just might not pull them or someone might Magician you and swap your hand for theirs. Try to save gold and the Thief might just take it. Or the Assassin might just kill you and your round is shot altogether.
You see, I can handle a game with randomness. But a game where EVERYTHING is random and/or out of your control? I’m not sure if this is a recipe for frustration of dissatisfaction or both. My conclusion: if you can play a game and not take the ending too seriously, no matter how hard you try, then go for Citadels. If you like at least an iota of control, stay away.