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One of the problems we’ve found in this game, especially with two players, is that the game ends so quickly. Upping the total number of points needed to win to 20 can extend it, but still… Sometimes you want an epic game.
One house rule we play during 1-on-1 battles is an initial race to 20. At this point, you put all the dice you’ve collected so far back into your bags, reset the score and play to 20 again. The loser of the previous game at this point is defending his honour while the winner of the previous game is aiming for match point. This can also mitigate some of those “oh, it’s all just random luck” arguments when the winners deck manages to score two games at once.
Quick rules:
1. Play as normal, until one player reaches 20
2. Put all dice back into your bags / Reset both scores back to 0
3. Loser of previous game goes first
4. Play to 20 again, if “Loser” wins he defends his honour, if “Winner” wins then he is declared Epic Quarrior King Lord God