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Ghost Stories
This combination requires that the Blue and Green monks have particular abilities. Blue must have the double-village-tile-or-double-fight ability (Second Wind). Green must have the never-roll-the-curse-die ability (Strength of a Mountain). If you play strictly by the rules, this combination must be drawn randomly, but given the difficulty of Ghost Stories, you may want to allow players to pick their abilities.
In the first few rounds, all players may do whatever seems best in the situation. For example, picking up the Buddhas and activating the Circle of Prayer tile are good ideas. Once a couple of the tougher ghosts come out, switch to the Blue/Green strategy below.
Blue uses the Sorcerer’s Hut twice per turn to exorcise two ghosts, at a cost of two HP. After the first couple of turns of doing this, Blue will die. Then Green uses the Cemetery to resurrect Blue, and Green’s ability negates the usual cost of rolling the curse die. Blue returns to Sorcerer’s Hut, and the cycle repeats until the boss (the incarnation of Wu-Feng) appears.
Yellow will have the job of fighting the lesser ghosts. The Bottomless Pockets ability (receive a Tao token every turn) is probably the better one for this strategy. If the Cemetery and the Sorcerer’s Hut are not adjacent, Red should take the ability to move another monk (i.e., Blue) or use the Pavilion of Heavenly Winds village tile. Otherwise, Red can help Yellow to exorcise weaker ghosts.