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This is a very fun game. I have two recommendations for new players:
1) Even if you grab expansions, just play with the base game for your first time or two. The many different add-ons can be daunting.
2) Place only a few flags for your first few games, and place them fairly close together. (Such as two boards with three flags.)
A fun note:
As I understand it, this game was brought to Wizards of the Coast (WotC) by Magic: The Gathering (M:TG) designer, Richard Garfield. WotC told him that it was too expensive for them to make and suggested another type of game that they would be interested in seeing. It would be something you could carry around with you and would be quick to play. From that, Garfield come up with M:TG. M:TG was, of course, very successful right away, and WotC used some of the profits to make Richard’s other game. Lucky us!