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The Theme: Agricola is a economic worker placement game where you play a the role of a married farm couple trying to make a living or a least survive in the 1600s.
The Skinny: Agricola is a medium-to-heavy strategy game. The first time you sit down at the game it may seem daunting or even intimidating but if you go slow and play the included family version the first few times then the game is fairly simple to learn mechanics wise. The family version is identical to the full game except for the lack of occupation or minor improvement cards. This helps with evening out the learning curve. Also, in the box is two or decks for a more interactive or complex game which makes the game more robust and re-playable in future sessions.
The Good: Great components and game boards. The rule is very easy to follow. there is a great amount of player aid included in the game.
The Bad: Nothing.
The Grade: 9.5 sheep out of 10