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50 out of 57 gamers thought this was helpful

I was a bit worried that STE would be a bit dry. The board is basically a grid of locations in which you lay out cards and move from location to location (Rocketville anyone?)

I was very wrong. The quests and cooperative nature made the game very interesting. You have to “gang up” to resolve most of the challenges and that requires a good amount of discussion and planning among the players.

The one concern I’ve had is replayability: the game comes with one set of main challenges. Once you have played through a few times, I’m not sure how interesting the game will be. Getting a higher ending score can only motivate players so much.

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70 out of 118 gamers thought this was helpful

This game is horrible for the color blind. Even those who weren’t colorblind had trouble distinguishing some of the colors, like blue and purple.

I really wanted to like this game, I love the theme, but it is way to long for what it is.

The mechanism of not having a defined culprit but working through the game to make your suspect the guilty one seemed a bit odd.

At a gaming weekend this was a play-to-win game. It was checked out several times, each time the group tried it for an hours and then was overheard to say “can we play something else?” and they would box it up and move on.

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